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The dinner with Tony had been pushed until the start of next week as Ben hadn't wanted me to leave. My whole weekend was cancelled just so I could be with him, and honestly I had no complaints.

When Monday rolled around, despite his request for me to still stay for a day I insisted I had to leave. I had rescheduled an interview for today and after would go see Mr Capra Sr.

"Hey, come back," his groggy and sleep-filled voice called for me from his bed.

I smiled and glanced back over my shoulder at the God of a man watching me lazily as I had thrown on a dress shirt of his and was now buttoning up its buttons.

"I have to leave in two hours. I was thinking of making breakfast, if it would be okay with you?" I turned to him once only three of the top buttons were unbuttoned and took a few steps back toward his bed.

Ben's hair was messy from my fingers and the tight grips and tugs they'd given it, his delicious nude body partially covered by the duvet carelessly, and his gentle grin very suggestive.

It felt as if for the whole weekend we'd been like rabbits. I had no idea where I had suddenly developed such stamina, but I just knew it was something about him that made me feel and act this way. As satisfied as he made me feel, I felt like I couldn't get enough.

"No more," I commented at his mischievous grin and the suggestiveness behind it, "I'm aching in five different places and I feel all around exhausted."

"You don't look so exhausted to me.." his grin remained, slowly drinking in my complexion and causing a wave of warmth flood my body because of those devilish and dark eyes of his, "one more for good luck?"

I laughed giddily and shook my head, feeling like a teenage girl infatuated. I watched as he then slowly lifted himself up to sit at the side of his bed, before one of his hands reached forward toward me.

His fingers slowly moved around the side of my thigh, from where he was able to gently tug me closer. I smiled, knowing I should put a stop to this before we ended up tangled in the sheets for the whole day.

The way his dark eyes were gazing into mine hypnotised me completely and I hadn't completely processed the fact that with one hand he then began unbuttoning the buttons of the dress shirt of his that I had on.

"You're pretty amazing, do you know that?" Ben murmured, his eyes remaining solely on mine even when leaning in to kiss my now-bare abdomen just below my chest.

I smiled widely and nodded, letting my fingers run carefully through his hair to make it look somewhat acceptable.

"You need to calm your hormones," I told him with a teasing tone, still feeling my stomach flutter with butterflies at him and how his hand tightened its hold on my thigh to keep me in place between his lazily parted legs.

He ignored what I'd said and left another kiss a little higher on my abdomen now, getting closer and closer to my bare chest. I felt unable to look away from him, instead focusing on brushing a few loose strands of his hair behind his ears and trying to comprehend the position we were in.

The most powerful man in the world had symbolically placed me on a higher level than him, or at least that was what I gathered from our current position. He made no move to stand up from sitting at the side of his bed, knowing the ideas and conclusions this made me reach. In his eyes I felt beautiful and powerful.

"Put on some pants," I cupped his jaw to tilt his face up toward mine, before leaning down to give him a quick kiss, "I'll go make us breakfast."

"No sex?" He asked with complete seriousness, dark and hooded eyes searching mine as his hand moved along my thigh in calming motions.

"No sex," I shook my head with a giggle before forcing myself to step away from him, "you might want to hurry, or there'll be no food left for you!"

I called out my last sentence after having turned around and begun walking to the door of his bedroom while buttoning a few buttons up again in the name of decency.

Ben muttered out a reply, clearly still tired. I had my interview in a few hours and had to go home to change and get everything organised. Mr Capra Sr was doing okay, no longer being babysat by nurses at his house and instead living life rather normally. I had a few things I needed to talk to him about, along with making sure he was doing okay and maintaining a healthy diet. I hadn't spoken to him since the hospital, after which a lot had happened.

I had relatively no skills minutely related to cooking, so I took out two bowls and filled them with a random brand of cereal I found in one of the many cupboards in his kitchen. I grabbed two spoons and poured milk in both bowls before setting them up at the island table. I placed them so that Ben and I would sit opposite each other, just because I was having troubles keeping my mind clear when he was close.

While waiting for Ben, I scavenged around a bit before managing to get the coffee brewing. I then checked my phone, on which I'd received two texts.

From: ###: I'm afraid to inform you that the interview we were to have today will be cancelled. Despite your impressive résumé and recommendations from Capra Corp we are not able to hire someone without a university degree. Again, our apologies for not having paid mind to that earlier and for this inconvenience.

I slumped down in my seat at the island table, frowning down at the text. My good mood completely vanished and I utterly felt like giving up. That is, of course, until I read the second message I'd received.

From: Tony: Good morning, Sofia! I'm so glad you wanted to meet up for dinner, so much has happened and I'm happy you are still open to the thought of us, because I sure am. We have so much to talk about, see you tonight x

Tony had always been more than willing to give me a very good position at his company, but I had never accepted as we had had our open relationship and I had found the thought weird. Now that we weren't together anymore, I would feel comfortable asking him if he was still open to the idea of me working for him.

Just then a realisation hit me, confusing me terribly. Tony knew that I wanted to have dinner with him. Usually my identity was never revealed to clients, and I was simply referred to as Jade and texting was done between the client and a completely different person, not me.

Before I could make final judgements on what exactly it meant, Ben entered his kitchen wearing only black sweatpants. His dark hair was damp after a short shower.

With slight panic and realisation I stared at him as he sat down opposite me, focusing solely on his cereal.

"Very nutritional," he flashed me an amused grin while poking around the bowl with his spoon.

I cleared my throat and nodded with a small smile, not letting him know that I was onto him.

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