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"You didn't take the job? And where exactly are you moving?" Mr Capra Sr looked at me in bewilderment and shock.

I gave him a small smile in return, not wanting him to worry too much with it not being good for his health.

"Out of the city," I replied, not wanting to go into too much detail since as much as I loved him, my trust for him was gone, especially when it came to things that he could pass along to Ben.

It had been a few weeks since I last saw Ben and hadn't heard from him since. His father didn't seem to have an idea of where he was or what he was doing either.

The job Tony was willing to give me was a very good one. The pay and status basically mirrored my previous job at Capra Corp, just without anything illegal or morally wrong. Even though I had asked for the job during our dinner, I had turned it down when I met up with him for lunch a couple of days ago.

I was moving away from the city and starting fresh in a small town in the countryside, from where I had already purchased a lovely little home. The closest neighbour was a 15 minute walk away, which was a very lovely thought to me right now in my life.

"How is your financial status? How do you plan to earn a living?" He began shaking his head at me, "I'll gladly help you out, but I think that getting a job is a more stable option."

"I have everything handled, Mr Capra," I laughed lightly, "I have enough money saved up from working for you. I am planning on applying for a job there, though."

"Alright. What kind of job? I think you'd make a lovely assistant," he smiled, "or maybe even a chef? You are good at cooking, aren't you?"

"I pride myself on my avocado toast," I boasted jokingly, and he chuckled, "but I was thinking something along the lines of waitress or barista while I venture out in painting."

We were sitting in the backyard of my home, drinking our teas at a small and round glass table I had out here. Most of the belongings I wanted to take with me were already packed into boxes and ready to leave with me in two days. I was planning on buying completely new furniture according to the multiple vision boards I had made.

Mr Capra Sr's brows raised in pleasant surprise, "that's lovely! Anything creative is good for the soul. Just make sure that it's a good cafe you want to work in, not a crummy one."

"I will," I nodded, smile widening, "thank you for everything. I wouldn't be in a rather financially free place in my life now without you, I hope you know that."

"Darling, you're family to me," he gave me the sweetest and most meaningful look, "it's been my pleasure. I hope you know that you won't get rid of me even if you move away."

I giggled and nodded, "I know that. Once I've settled in I'd love to have you visit."

"Just send me the address and I'll be on my way!"

I nodded, appreciating Mr Capra Sr and everything he'd done for me. Despite him having lost my trust, we had talked it out and I had forgiven him, not wanting our ties to sever.

Hanging out with him like this felt so normal, as if Ben Capra had never happened. Still, I couldn't get him out of my mind. I hadn't been able to since our last encounter.

"Is there anything you'd like to tell me about you and my son? I feel like there's something I don't already know?" Mr Capra Sr tilted his head at me questioningly with a small smile playing on his lips, submerging into full on gossip mode.

I sipped my tea and laughed awkwardly, "I have no idea about what you already know."

"Oh, Sofia! To start, that bracelet definitely isn't something you'd ever buy for yourself," he nodded cheekily down at my wrist while I held my cup of tea.

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