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It hadn't taken Mr Horan long to decide we were done with dinner, deciding he wanted to bring me back to his suite as quickly as possible. 

I was still bothered by Mr Capra's surprising appearance, but managed to remain professional and seduce my way into Winston Horan's heart.

His driver had given me several sceptic glances, before his boss ordered him to roll up the partition, leaving the two of us alone.

"This feels too good to be true, Jade," Mr Horan spoke, and my attention settled on him again.

I made sure to be sitting with my body was turned slightly toward his, my leg elegantly crossed over the other. My position enabled the slit in my dress to expose more of my thigh, which I noticed only interested him further. 

"What does?" I wondered with faked obliviousness, my shoulders back so my cleavage was available for his shameless gaze.

"You're the perfect woman. Educated, beautiful..." 

I forced my smile to widen in awe, acting as if I was so taken by his compliment.

"You're too kind, Winston," I replied smoothly and reached my hand over to rest on his thigh, "this feels like it's meant to be, doesn't it?"

I cringed internally at the honey-coated words leaving my lips. He seemed very pleased by them though, as he had seemed all throughout dinner.

I had told him I was a ballet dancer, working mainly for the royal ballet. This was often my background story, since it seemed to excite all the men. Maybe they thought it made me extra flexible and sophisticated, as crude as that does sound. The only dancing I had done in my life was stripping.

"It does," he agreed, completely under my spell.

I had him under my control, and for a moment thought I had this dangerous man in the palm of my hand and that everything would work out fine once we got up to his suite.

He took my hand into his and brought it up to his chapped lips. With his droopy eyes on mine, he kissed the back of my hand. I put on a shy smile, aware now that he liked it.

I prided myself on being a relatively good reader of people, having had to deal with all sorts during my short life. I knew how and when to act when I aimed to please, almost always getting what I wanted in return. This was a plus when it came to my current profession.


We arrived to his suite a few minutes after we'd left the restaurant.

"I have a stunning diamond necklace that would fit you perfectly," despite his perverted eyes, he had been polite towards me with words and only small touches so far.

"Diamonds are a girl's best friend," I followed behind him as he walked further into the extravagant suite right in the centre of the city. 

"Truly," he cast me a smile over his shoulder, the sides of his eyes crinkling impossibly.

I scanned every single corner of the area available, which did limit to the few rooms we had to walk through to get to our destination.

When I realised he was heading towards a large safe, my attention peaked and I took a few fast steps in my heels to reach his side, ready to take in the code.

As I had been so focused on the safe, I made the mistake of disregarding the fact that we were in the master bedroom.

None of the lights were turned on for some strange reason, so I inched as close to him as I could to be able to see the code.

"I don't think I've ever worn a diamond necklace before," I hooked my arm slowly around his, my front brushing against his side, "you've got me all excited, Winston."

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