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"How'd the interview go?"

I screamed in fright and dropped the folders I had been carrying.

My heart raced as I turned around swiftly to face Mr Capra Jr. He was leaning his shoulder against the doorframe of the entrance to his office.

"God, you scared me!" I was breathing heavily, eyes wide and lips parted.

He grinned and shrugged lightly, "and here I thought I was being polite."

I exhaled shakily and found myself laughing, feeling relieved it had only been him in the dim office floor, instead of a complete stranger and a possible threat.

"I was just caught up in my own thoughts," I brushed it off with a simple wave of my hand, before picking up the files I had been carrying, "I didn't think anybody would be here at this hour."

"I was finishing up for the day," he cleared his throat, observing me intently. His dark eyes studied my face, which was framed by my blonde hair in gentle curls, before moving down to take in what I was wearing.

"What are you doing here, Sofia?" Mr Capra asked, dark eyes returning to mine.

"I... I came to drop these off for Marge..." my voice was suddenly much more quiet, distancing itself from his dominant tone.

I snapped out of that intense gaze of his and placed the folders onto Marge's desk.

I was completely sober now, unlike I had been last night, but still felt my body reacted to him the same way.

The way his suit hugged the rounded muscles of his arms had me internally drooling for a moment, but again I blamed that on Tony and me not having been intimate in a while.

"Where are you headed?" He asked me, knowing there was no way I was dressed up just to drop these off.

"Oh, I'm going to dinner with my boyfriend," I motioned around with my hands a little and he nodded, not giving off any reaction even when I could see the multiple thoughts running through his mind from his eyes.

"Can I offer you a ride?" He straightened up from his casual stance and grabbed an outdoor jacket to slip into.

"I'll just find a taxi, it's fine..." I laughed gently and waved my hand around a bit.

"Give me a minute, I'll grab my wallet," Mr Capra Jr. had turned around to enter his office, leaving me out of sight by Marge's desk, "I'm driving you."


I felt very hesitant. With how our first meeting had gone, something in me assumed he didn't approve of my line of profession, or saw it at as something taboo. Now, on the other hand, he seemed too intent on me, all of a sudden. I didn't like that because I had no idea why it was.


"How did you know exactly when to come in, when I was with Mr Horan?" I wondered curiously as he led me towards a black Bugatti underground.

"We have the place bugged, Sofia," he told me simply, hand on my lower back in an extremely comforting way. As much as it was innocent, I couldn't help but feel warmer than I should at just the simple touch.

"Oh, right," I nodded awkwardly.

He opened the passenger's side door for me. Once we were both sitting down and strapped in, he started the luxurious car.

I typed in the address of the restaurant Tony and I had decided on going to tonight, all while Mr Capra scrolled down something on his phone.

I noticed how his brows were furrowed and his jaw was clenched.

"Is everything okay?" I asked carefully, just waiting for him to reject my question completely.

He popped the top button of his dress shirt open and tossed his phone down onto his lap. He pulled out of the parking space reserved for him, the Don of the mafia, and began driving slowly towards the exit.

"Can you work tomorrow evening?" His dark eyes were fixated on the road ahead, not meeting mine. This gave me a chance to fully take him in.

He seemed tense, driving the car with one hand while the other rested on his lap.

"Sure. Where and what time?"

"Les Rois, again, 7 PM," he spoke in a way that made me feel like he didn't want to send me off to do my job, "have you heard of Richard Carson?"

"The firearms manufacturer?" My eyes moved along the sharp features of his face, his shoulders and chest, before settling on his dark eyes.


"What do we need from him?" I was hopeful that he'd now be honest with me.

Before Mr Capra could reply, my new phone began buzzing on my lap and my ringtone filled the otherwise calm car.

I took a look at who was calling me. Tony.

"I'm sorry, I have to take this..." I fumbled around with the phone. Mr Capra made a sound in agreement, focused fully on the dark street ahead of us.

"Hi," I answered the call rather cheerfully, the big plans I had for tonight making me excited.

"Hey, Sof, I'm so sorry," I heard the regret in his voice as he sighed, and my smile slowly faded, "something came up, I'll need to stay at the office for some paperwork... rain check?"

"Oh..." I breathed out quietly, "that's fine. Are you free tomo—"

"I've really got to go. Thank you for understanding," I heard his tone grow impatient, before he cut the call.

Tony just hung up on me. Baffled, I looked down at the empty phone screen.

"Trouble?" Mr Capra asked, now glancing at me from the corner of his eye.

"Turns out he's busy tonight," I explained quietly, feeling upset.

Our relationship wasn't what it had once been, and I had been hoping to try to fix it tonight.

"Busy with what?"

"Paperwork," I muttered out, and he snorted out a laugh.

"You must be joking," he began as my gaze trained on him with confusion and hurt, "with a woman like you waiting, he chooses bloody paperwork?"

I was speechless. Had he really just said that? Of course, I agreed with him fully, but just hadn't expected Ben Capra to even think like that.

"Can I ask you something, Sofia?" He continued before I had a chance to even think of a reply.

"Okay," I squeaked out and immediately cleared my throat after.

"How does he deal with knowing you have sex with some of the men?"

I sighed and looked down at my lap, where I toyed with the notification-less phone.

"We have an open relationship," I told him gently, not letting him know that Tony had no idea of the line of work I was in. He thought I was just a secretary at Capra Corp.

"Oh?" I could tell his attention had perked, "and how does that work?"

I had no idea why I didn't feel the least bit uncomfortable telling him these things right now. Maybe I was just so bummed out about Tony cancelling.

"We've agreed to be able to sleep with other people, but at the end of the day we still stick together," I explained slowly.

"Do you love him?"

That question always rendered me completely silent. I didn't know if I loved Tony. Sure, I cared a great deal about him, but with my past, love was a term I didn't yet quite grasp.

Sensing I wasn't going to reply, he continued to save me from the conflicting and awkward feelings his question caused me.

"Did you have a reservation?" He nodded at the address of the restaurant he was still driving towards.


"Good. I'm starving," he turned briefly to give me a small and undeniable the sexiest grin I'd ever seen.

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