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I had woken up the next morning with a hammering headache to light streaming into my bedroom and birds chirping outside.

I had multiple texts from Olivia, telling me she had had a wonderful time and that we should definitely do it again.

Unlike her, I wasn't really a drinker. A few glasses of wine were my go-to, and I don't remember the last time I'd had a shot of tequila before last night. The last time I had actually been drunk had been before I met Mr Capra Sr years ago.

I crawled out of bed and took a shower, before taking care of my hygiene routine and then changing into a casual navy blue and white sundress. It was around midday that I went to brew myself coffee and took a painkiller.

While my coffee brewed I went to check in on the progress I had made on my painting of the fruit bowl. I was still unable to paint the banana, so I decided to just take it out and rearrange the fruits.

Feeling content with it, I vowed to get back to it after my coffee and breakfast.

Banana in hand, I returned to grab myself a cup of coffee, before situating outside in my garden to drink it and eat the un-paintable fruit.

From: Olivia: BTW, Luke asked if he could have your number last night to take you out on a date. I told him to ask you but he was too shy about it.

To: Olivia: Oh God. Who's Luke, again?

From: Olivia: He's the tortured author staying at the inn for a few months, Sof! Very mysterious man.

I cringed, remembering that the people she had introduced me to last night had been almost twice my age. So far, Olivia was the only person around my age that I had met.

To: Olivia: I honestly don't remember him. I'm not in the mood to start anything up anyway, so if he had asked I would have declined.

From: Olivia: Ah, bummer. More for me, I guess!

I smiled to myself and placed my phone away. I focused on my garden and the forest behind it, taking time with drinking my coffee and enjoying the lovely morning despite my headache.

It was long after I had finished my coffee and continued to sit outside that I heard a knock on the front door.

My brows furrowed, as Billy would have just walked straight in. I hesitantly got up and began making my way to open it, heartbeat increasing.

"Hello?" I called with my hand on the handle, ready to open the door.


Everything froze. I would recognise that voice anywhere. Ben Capra was standing outside my front door. I felt like I couldn't breath for a moment.

I quickly gathered myself and opened the door, eyes landing on him in a casual dark suit with a bouquet of roses in a designer box in his hands. He had been scanning my front yard before I had opened the door, and had then straightened up and turned back to face me.

"Ben," I breathed out shakily, shocked at his sudden appearance, "what... what are you doing here?"

I was gaping at him, standing like an idiot by the front door and not letting him inside. I saw his car parked by the road and realised he had started driving here very early this morning if it was only around midday now.

"I came to see you," he managed a small smile, "are you busy?"

He looked earth-shatteringly wonderful. I felt as if I couldn't get enough of taking him in since I hadn't seen him in so long.

Ben had cut his dark hair, but still had a strong physique and the sexy light stubble that he'd had months ago. His dark eyes shone brightly in the morning sun, and he looked much more relaxed than before, even if he now clearly was a little nervous.

"I'm not," I quickly shook my head, trying to keep composed, "please, come in."

I stepped aside to let him in, unable to not feel affected by the scent of his intoxicating and heady cologne. I closed the front door behind him and nervously made sure that my dress looked alright. I mentally thanked whatever was out there that I hadn't worn a overalls and a white tee today, both covered in splashes of paint.

"These are for you," his dark eyes met mine again as he handed over the box of roses.

"Oh, thank you," I accepted them, my hangover the last thing on my mind now, "they're beautiful."

"You're wearing the bracelet," his dark gaze focused on the diamond bracelet on my wrist which he'd gifted me, "it fits you."

"Oh, right," I mentally facepalmed myself, sure that he was aware of me having worn it daily, "thank you for it, by the way.."

We stood there for a moment just looking at each other, with so many unsaid thoughts and feelings travelling between us it was making me light headed.

I snapped out of it at the realisation that he had just driven four hours to get here.

"I, uh- would you like something to drink? Coffee, maybe?" I asked while placing the roses onto the coffee table in the living room, able to feel his gaze following every move I made, "you must be tired after the drive here."

"I could use the bathroom, if that's alright," he chuckled lightly and I showed him where it was.

I sat down on my couch in a state of utter shock, trying to process the fact that he actually was here and that I wasn't seeing things.

We had spent months apart working on ourselves, and today was the day we would talk. It shook me to my core and I felt overwhelmed. My feelings for him only made themselves more clear once I'd seen him, but that didn't mean we were ready to start anything.

"It's very cute," Ben was taking in my home once returning from the bathroom, "you really like it here?"

He met my eyes as I'd just been staring at him sitting on the second couch in my living room.

"Yes, I do," I cleared my throat and nodded, "it's peaceful and quiet. This whole town is the polar opposite of the city."

He only nodded and continued scanning the surroundings. I knew that it must be a somewhat shock to him to see me living in a house like this, considering my lifestyle back in the city.

I wanted to grab him and kiss him, but brushed those feelings off for the time being.

"Let's go outside, we can talk there," I awkwardly stood up and began making my way to my garden.

"Sure," he followed me.

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