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"Why were they so.. emotional?" Ben asked after I had closed the door of the small meeting room behind us and locked it.

I turned toward him and found him unbuttoning the button of his suit coat.

"Their wedding isn't today, it makes no sense," he shook his head as I slowly closed the space between us.

"You look—" he continued after I hadn't replied, but cut him off by kissing him.

He kissed back, hands cupping my jaw. When we pulled back, his brows furrowed at the sight of tears welling up in my eyes again. I gave him a smile.

"Baby, you really need to explain what's going on here..." he returned my smile with a tightlipped one, hands not leaving the sides of my jaw, "this isn't normal in my family."

I choked out a laugh and felt his thumb wipe away a tear that had fallen onto my cheek, "I have good news, at least I'm hoping it's good news."

Ben's expression cleared and he took a small step back, hands falling down from my face. He instantly connected the pieces but waited for me to continue.

"I had to tell your father first because he called me and I was crying," I explained, joyful and crying now at the same time, not caring about the state of my makeup any longer, "I wanted to tell you in person."

"Are we?" he pushed, eyes searching mine. The second I saw his defences fall down completely and a few tears well up in his eyes, I broke down.

"All the tests this morning came out positive."

The next thing I registered was that he hugged me and I cried into his chest, thanking the lord he liked black dress shirts so the stains wouldn't be too visible. With one hand on the back of my head and one on my back, he hugged me tighter than the previous hugs I had received today.

"I still need to go to the doctor and—" I sniffled, but was cut off by him kissing me with such emotion and love it made my heart soar.

"I love you," I whispered against his lips, and he kissed me harder.

"You have no idea," he murmured back, carefully turning us around for my behind to meet the long table, the chairs moving behind me from our movement, "you're my world."

"I should be scared, but I've never been this happy," I managed to tell him, our kiss ending when he swiftly lifted me up to sit on the table. He situated himself between my legs after lifting up the gown just enough to separate my legs.

I watched as Ben's adoring gaze moved to my stomach, and his hand followed carefully.

"It's just the pasta I ate last night," I laughed quietly, my fingers running through his hair as I explained my bloating, "you can't feel the baby yet, if it is there."

His dark eyes met mine again, glimmering in the sunlight streaming in from the windows behind me. I wiped away the lone tear that had run down his cheek and he kissed my thumb before I had a chance to pull it away, his eyes never leaving mine.

"We're having a child," he spoke slowly, letting it slowly sink in, "I hadn't thought I'd ever get to feel this."

"I'm so glad it's with you," I told him, unable to stop smiling, "and I know this really isn't the time and place to tell you, but you left before I had even gone to do the tests..."

"The one damn time I'm not there, this happens," he shook his head with a grin, faking disappointment. I laughed lightly and nudged him playfully.

"I booked an appointment for the blood tests tomorrow," I told him, "it's tomorrow."

"I'll be there," he kissed me again, both of us unable to get enough of each other right now even though it seemed to be a constant and permanent feeling between us, "are you feeling okay? Any morning sickness, or?"

"I feel fantastic and no, no morning sickness yet," I brushed a piece of hair behind his ear while his hands stayed calmingly on my thighs, "do you feel okay? Some faint at news like this."

"Have I fainted?" his brows raised with challenge, and I shook my head quickly, "I just can't wait to meet him."

"Him?" I laughed, "you're already sensing masculine energy?"

"No, but I trust my sperm. I want an older brother and a younger sister," he explained very seriously, only amusing me more, "and then maybe one more little brother."

"Three? Gosh, what have I gotten myself into," I teased him, "and I want her to be a girl. Older sisters are very badass."

Such casual talk about what gender the child I was carrying was to be made this even more real, and me more and more ecstatic and excited.

A comfortable silence fell over his, his hands moving gently along the sides of my thighs while his gaze was fixed on mine.

No words were exchanged, but I knew we both felt the same thing. Way too slowly he neared me, eyes constantly glancing down at my lips. I grew tired of the slow pace, and yanked him to me from his suit coat.

The second our lips met this time, I knew where this would go.

"We have an hour," I whispered against his lips.

"I'll have you finished in ten minutes," his lips trailed down to my neck, front pushing against mine while his hand trailed further and further up against my thigh underneath the gown, pushing it up more.

"Take me," I managed out as confirmation, before a surprised squeak left my lips at him roughly pushing the rest of the gown up to my hips and tugging my panties down. His breathing was hot and heavy against the sensitive skin on my neck, fanning over it in a way that made me shiver in delight.

Hastily he unzipped his dress pants and tugged his boxers down just enough, before he passionately kissed me again.

"You've changed my life, everything," he murmured, caressing my thigh as his lips brushed against mine, "thank you."

"Same goes for you," I gave him a gentle smile, heart beating faster and feeling so utterly enamoured by this man.

Suddenly he crouched down between my thighs and pushed me further onto the table. He swiftly positioned my legs over his shoulders and sent me a boyish grin.

"Give me three minutes," he told me, cancelling his promise of ten. I raised my brows at him challengingly.

"I'll start the ti—" I was cut of and a small high pitched squeak left my lips when his lips met my sensitive bundle of nerves.

I had to lay down onto my back on the hard surface and let him continue, holding me tightly to him with his arms around my thighs.

"Jesus.." I breathed out shakily.

"Where?" he suddenly stopped and looked up at me with faked shock.

"Shush, continue," I shook my head at him with a small laugh, "just because you'll be a dad doesn't mean you can start making dad-jokes right now."

"Fine, I'll ease you into it," he kissed the inside of my thigh torturously, slowly making his way back to where I needed him.

I let my fingers tangle in his hair, reminding myself that the door was locked and there were no cameras, and because of the rehearsal, nobody would be outside in the gardens to see us through the window.

To my dismay, just as I was about to reach climax, Ben halted and stood up. Before I had a chance to register what was going on, he tugged me to the side of the table from my hips and positioned himself at my entrance.

Before pushing in he lifted me up for my front to be against his while his other hand remained on my behind to keep me from moving.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

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