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Tony had left. All we had as confirmation of his compliance was how frightened he had been and then handshakes.

I trusted the promise he had made, and knew it was better for all of us that Tony would work under and for Capra Corp instead of being eliminated wholly or business annexed to Ben.

As it was late and I was exhausted, the second Tony had left I had made my way into the walk-in wardrobe to begin getting ready for bed. Ben had called on Vinnie and then gone to make a few calls regarding this new arrangement in his office.

I had slipped out of my gown and changed into pyjamas, before seating myself at the vanity to remove my makeup and clean my skin.

I had quickly texted Mr Capra Sr, telling him all had gone well and that an agreement had been reached. I didn't go into details, as I knew Ben would inform him further.

Kelly had texted me about our next lesson, asking if she should bring James over again after how well him and Ben had gotten along, but I decided to reply to it in the morning.

A feeling of accomplishment remained, but I hadn't appreciated Ben's reactions toward the end. Despite the dislike he felt for Tony, I wished he would have kept professional and been more considerate of me when I wanted to avoid anyone else getting hurt or dying because of all this.

There was a knock at the entrance of the wardrobe. I looked over to see Ben standing there, still wearing his suit pants and black dress shirt, coat discarded somewhere.

"Hey," I offered him a small smile, now putting on moisturiser. He returned my smile and walked inside slowly.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, voice low and calm. He was tired as well.

"I'm alright," I told him, standing up now that I was finished, "how are you?"

"I'm good," he closed the space between us, hand carefully finding my waist as his dark eyes searched mine, "you were very impressive."

"I was? I was surprised as well, that an actual idea could fit into my little head," I joked, smiling when he chuckled and shook his head at me.

"I'm serious, Sofia," he told me, "and I need to apologise for being a dick to you. I just... he irks me. He's a sad excuse of a man and I can't stand him."

"The plan was to gain his loyalty, not kill him," I reminded him and he sighed, "I know he's not your favourite person, but it doesn't mean you can treat me as if I'm not your equal, or as if my opinion doesn't mean anything."

"I know. And you proved it tonight," he leaned in to kiss the side of my head gently, "I'm sorry. Maybe I am still a little annoyed that you're working for him."

"If and when this agreement goes through, I'll technically be working for you," I giggled lightly, finding it amusing after all this time of adamantly resisting any chance to work under Ben.

He grinned, "is this a full-circle moment, then?"

"Maybe," I decided, "but I do accept your apology. For next time, let's get our plan more straight before going into something like that."

"I love that you say 'our'."

"You're cute," I leaned up to kiss him quickly, "and you don't need to dislike Tony because of him and I having dated. It's in the past, I only have eyes for you, and he is my friend. Or was, before all of this..."

There was a part of me that mourned the loss of Tony as a close friend. I couldn't consider him as such anymore, after what he had done.

Ben nodded, studying my expression as my smile faded, understanding my feelings at this moment without me having to explain them to him.

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