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"Here you go," I smiled and placed a cappuccino in front of Ben.

"Thanks," he replied slowly and unsurely, looking down at it with furrowed brows.

Since I had work today and had told him how nothing really happened around here, he had offered to come keep me company.

He was sitting on a barstool by the counters I worked at and had requested a cappuccino.

"Is it supposed to look like this?" He wondered carefully, pointing down at it while watching me move to the other side of the coffee bar again.

"Hm?" I turned to face him and grabbed a cloth to clean the surfaces a bit, "isn't it supposed to look like that?"

I leaned over the counter a little to be able to see what he was talking about. To me the drink looked completely fine.

"What would I know?" Ben the shrugged and brushed it off with a chuckled and a shake of his head, "you're the barista here."

"That, I am," I replied proudly and spun around on my heel to clean the countertops of the opposite side.

It was the early afternoon and there had only been two people here besides us. Billy had popped in to say hi, and I had introduced her and Ben to each other. Another elderly lady had come in as well, but had taken her coffee to go.

I turned around just in time to see Ben bringing the cup down from his lips while cringing very obviously. As soon as he realised I was watching him, he very quickly coughed and tried to cover his reaction up.

"Is it not good?" I frowned, stepping back up to the counter where he was sitting opposite at.

His eyes widened a little in panic and he shook his head adamantly, "no, no, it's great. I was just trying to hold back that cough..."

"Ben..." my frown deepened, wanting to know if the cappuccino I had made tasted horrible.

"Hey, it's good," he assured me with a smile, and I knew he didn't want me to know the truth and feel bad, "can I have sugar, though?"

"Sure," I shook my head at him and handed him a sugar dispenser.

I decided to stay and watch him, knowing he would break and tell me the truth, despite the risk of hurting my feelings.

Before Ben managed to add any sugar into the drink, I began reaching my hand to grab it and have a taste for myself.

"Let me taste it," I spoke, but was taken aback when he grabbed it before I could and brought it back up to his lips for a long drink.

He shook his finger at me, and I couldn't help but smile knowingly at what he was doing.

Only once he was finished he brought the empty cup back down onto the counter, meeting my challenging gaze. I raised my brows at him for good measure and folded my arms over my chest.

"So?" I demanded to know how it had really tasted to him.

He simply shrugged, "best cappuccino I've ever had."

"Don't lie to me," I leaned my elbows onto the counter and supported my chin up with my hands, getting closer to him, "you hated it."

"Okay, maybe it wasn't the best cappuccino I've ever had, but it was perfectly fine," he offered me, raising his hands up in defense.

I smiled and raised my brows at him, "why would you drink it if you didn't like it?"

"I never said I didn't like it," he chuckled, both of us knowing he wasn't being honest, "you just got me thinking..."

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