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"Did you have a bottle of vodka in the bathroom, or what?" Ben wondered, tone lowest I'd heard so far. It sent a wave of need down to my core, and I smiled to myself.

"It's too early for a bottle of vodka..." I shook my head gently, slowly unbuttoning the buttons of his dress shirt, "you dress too smart for a day off."

"Hm?" His darkened eyes found mine, a hint of amusement shining in them, "you don't like it?"

My smile widened a hint, but simply shrugged in reply. My heart was thudding loudly, still not sure if this would be for the best in the long run. I knew I needed this now though, and used that to assure myself.

Once I had his dress shirt fully unbuttoned, his gorgeously toned front visible for my hungry eyes, he helped me shrug it off him.

Ben's hands then settled on my bare waist, his eyes no longer on mine when I began unbuckling his belt. I was taking my time, letting him drink the view of my bare body in fully.

"God, you're bloody perfect," he murmured, and a quiet laugh left my lips. His dark eyes raised back to mine, taking me aback for a short moment.

Deciding I was ridding his clothes too slowly, Ben replaced my hands with his and swiftly rid him of his belt. His brows raised at me almost challengingly.

"You do understand that there's no going back after this, right?" He casually asked me.

"This is only for today. Then we act like nothing ever happened," I tried to make sure we were on the same page, "I just need to get you out of my system."

A smirk tugged at his lips, dark and amused, "I like that I'm in your system, love. You're in mine, I might as well be in yours, too."

"This happens only once, okay?" It was clear from my voice that I was doubting everything leaving my lips at this point.

I was hoping that this being a one day thing would be supported by me not seeing him again once I found a new job. He was murderously attractive, and I was positive my feelings towards him wouldn't just vanish unless forced to. Distance would be best for that, I figured.

Ben chuckled and nodded sarcastically, "I thought you had an open relationship with that boyfriend of yours."

I hesitated, "I do... it's just... you're my boss."

"Doesn't matter," he tried to lean in to kiss me, but I prevented him from doing so.

"It does," I frowned, sense somehow making its way into my brain again, "it's not right, it's not fair to others."

His brows raised after he'd sighed, "what do you want me to do about it? Fuck everyone else as well so they won't feel left out?"

As much as I tried to hold it back, a laugh left my lips in surprise at his words.

I then shook my head, "no, of course not. Just... let me resign and find another job."

"I'll let you resign after you've found another job," Ben shrugged, "I'm not letting you go if you don't have work."

I appreciated him for caring for me so much, even when I knew it was mostly for his father's sake that I wasn't to be left without a job.

"Alright, okay... until then, this happens just this once," I offered him a small smile, not understanding how I had been able to get through this conversation without just ripping off his dress pants and—

"Sure. Get on the bed, Sofia," he began unzipping his pants, dark eyes intensely trained on mine.

"Oh... yes, okay," for a moment I blanked out completely, until I decided to nod and follow his order.

I sat down on the edge of the bed, watching as he calmly made his way toward me after being left in simple black boxers. They left little for the imagination, and I swear I almost drooled.

"My eyes are up here," Ben joked after I really had been caught staring at the indent caused by his impressive manhood.

I managed a quiet laugh before forcing myself to look up at him and away from the front of his boxers.

His smile faded and he cleared his throat, "you should know something."

My expression fell completely. Oh God.

"Know what?" My voice was slow and hesitant, fearing for the worst.

His beautiful dark eyes left mine to look away, an awkward chuckle leaving his plump lips, which I desperately wanted to kiss again.

"Are you a virgin?" I whispered in shock, unable to believe it.

Ben relaxed and laughed, shaking his head, "no."

"Then what is it? You're worrying me," I frowned when his gaze settled on me again, "do you have an STD, or something?"

"No," he shook his head again, "look, I've only had sex with two different women before. I think it's more than obvious you're more experienced, and I don't mean that in a rude way..."

My brows furrowed, "if you don't want to have sex, that's fine."

I reached forward to gently run my hand over his bulge, core clenching at the way it made him sigh out in relief.

"No. I'm just not used to jumping straight in, you know? I've never had this kind of thing before," he tried to explain, and I sort of understood.

I was sure he was the long-term relationship type. The one that waited at least a month before having sex. Whatever there was between us was clearly new to him, as it was for me. This was pure lust and craving, not anywhere even near the possibility of something like love.

"I understand, that's fine," I assured him and slowly began rolling down his boxers, excited for what was to come, "we'll go slow."

A chuckle left his lips again and he pinched the bridge of his nose, "I don't want slow, Sofia. I'm just confused."


"Yeah," he gave me a tightlipped smile, on which I wasn't focused on long as I finally managed to pull his boxers down. I was now face-to-face with his member, and was left speechless and staring.

I already knew this was going to be good. Better than good, actually, way better.

One day of absolute pleasure to fulfil cravings and satisfy needs could do no harm, could it?

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