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He stared at me, shock written across his darkening features.

I still didn't feel safe. The only person who had made me feel safe was his father, but he wasn't here right now and was unable to do anything.

I felt like I couldn't stop crying, too many traumas surfacing after my loss of control with Winston Horan. I couldn't hold my shaking hands still.

"Did he hurt you?" Mr Capra inquired, surprisingly not angry even after I had slapped him. I wasn't capable of finding it incredibly off in the moment.

I had slapped the most powerful man on Earth and for some strange reason he had let it slide.

"I-" I stuttered out, but couldn't continue. I needed to get home, where I knew I was safe, and call Mr Capra Sr.

Tony, my boyfriend, didn't know of my profession. I doubt he would approve of it anyway, since some of the people I seduced and got information from were his friends and colleagues, business partners, even.

"We've got him," Vinny appeared in the doorway, speaking to the man still studying me closely.

My teary eyes met his and he immediately frowned.

"Sof-" he began nearing me, concerned and worried, before Mr Capra cut him off.

"Deal with him, I'll take care of her," he dismissed him, his eyes unwaveringly focused on me.

I felt pathetic, again an emotion which I hadn't felt in so long. I was panicking, so lost in life right now.

Mr Capra Sr was the closest person I'd ever had to a father figure, or a loving parent. Not having him around suddenly rocked my whole mental health. He had saved me from a life of prostitution and drugs, abled me a stable and secure life, and provided me with love and care, something I'd never had. He had changed my life, would be a way of summarising it all.

"But-" Vinny was still intent on knowing what had happened and why I was now crying.

None of the people I worked with had ever seen me cry, except Mr Capra. They'd never seen me lose control of any situation or myself, as I had now done. I understood Vinny's concern and appreciated it, but at the same time I needed to be alone.

"Go help the others. I'll see you tomorrow," Mr Capra Jr. cast a look at him, which caused him to nod slowly to the authority figure in this situation.

Vinny gave me a small and sympathetic look, before leaving.

Mr Capra remained standing in front of me, watching with intent as I slowly but surely managed to calm myself down.

"Sofia..." he beckoned, suddenly seeming so much less threatening and not as much of an asshole as he had done before.

"I didn't get the code to the safe," I cleared my throat and wiped the underneaths of my eyes to rid the remains of tears.

I then quickly composed myself, not wanting to show any more vulnerability in front of this man. I would resign tomorrow, I decided.

"I didn't send you here to get the code to the safe," he spoke and my brows furrowed, suddenly unable to look away from his dark eyes.


"We've got Mr Horan. I doubt he has anything important in his safe, all we needed was him. You did everything right."

I felt like cursing him out for not telling me the real plan. It was stupid, and me having known what he was up to would have saved me from this.

At the same time, I was completely confused by him suddenly being kind to me. I didn't trust him one bit.

"I'm sorry this went the way it did..." he added, managing a small and genuinely apologetic smile.

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