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My heart was racing, blood rushing in my ears as I tried to wrap my head around what was happening.

I heard the gun fire again, more screams and panic resulting from it.

I managed to bring myself somewhat to realise what exactly was happening. Ben hadn't thought twice when the first gun shot was fired before he had grabbed my hand and started walking to a secluded hallway behind the elevators in the lobby. People were running down it, a few bumping into me.

He had pulled out his phone and called a number.

"Jesus," I heard him say, before hanging up the call.

I was too shocked to muster out a word, but let out a small sound when he suddenly opened a random door and tugged me inside after him.

"Are you okay?" I managed out when his dark eyes scanned me over.

"I'm fine, don't worry," he kissed my cheek, "you're shaking."

"You're way too calm," I breathed out shakily, "someone just fired a gun."

"Probably a crazy drunk," he shrugged, "we need to go, baby."

He began guiding me to walk along this dim hallway now, and I felt confused.

"How do you know Tony's building so well, Ben?" I asked, "where are we going?"

His hand gave mine a squeeze, "did you really think I'd let you work here without knowing everything about this place?"

"But it's top secret," I insisted, "you know what Tony does, he wouldn't have blueprints on the internet for everyone to see..."

"I'm Ben Capra, Sofia. I don't need to Google anything."

I didn't reply. I heard the gun fire again, growing more panicked as it didn't sound as muffled. Just as Ben opened another door and pulled me along, I heard the original door we had entered the dim hallway through open again, as light streamed in.

"Ben..." I grew worried, not liking that someone was behind us, one door away. He kept moving, not saying a word.

His pace grew faster, and I was struggling to keep up with heels.

"Ben!" I tried to get my hand away from his tight grip, but to no avail.

I realised he was heading toward the door right at the opposite end labeled 'EXIT'.

Just before reaching it, the door we had entered this hallway opened as well. I glanced back to see someone in a black suit staring at us. He was holding a gun.

"Ben!" I croaked out a strangled scream, tears welling up in my eyes as I watched the man raise up the gun and point it toward us.

Ben pushed open the door to the exit, quickly pulling me out of it with him, before the gun went off again. My ears rang and I was absolutely terrified. My knees gave out for a moment, but Ben held me up.

I felt the cold wind blow past us, the sounds of traffic faint in the distance.

"It's okay, love," warm lips brushed against the side of my head, his thumb gently drawing circles on my hip.

A black Mercedes raced down the alleyway and came to a stop in front of us. Out of it climbed one of Ben's men. Without a single word exchanged, the man rounded the car to the door we had just come out of, a gun in his hand.

Ben prompted me to not look and instead move with him, guiding me to the car. It all felt like a blur as he helped me get in to the backseat, before getting in as well on the other side.

I could see from Ben's window as the exit door began to open. Before we could see anything more, Ben's man leaning against the outside wall next to the opening fired a shot at the man exiting, and the door stopped moving.

I flinched at the loud shot and felt horrified when Ben had no reaction, simply texting someone.

The man who had now killed whoever had been following Ben and I got back into the driver's seat.

In complete silence, he began driving away.


"I'll explain everything at home, Sofia," his hand placed itself comfortingly on my thigh, "it's most important that you're alright."

"I'm not alright in the least," I furrowed my brows at him, "who was that? Why would you say he's just some drunk when you clearly know who it was?"

Ben sighed and looked straight ahead, relaxing in his seat. I noticed the driver's light green eyes on me through his mirror, but they diverted the second I had noticed.

"I need a drink," Ben murmured, taking my hand in his and bringing it up to his lips for a kiss, "then I'll explain everything."

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