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"So, did you get the job?" Mr Capra Sr asked me.

We were hanging out in the library he had in his home, me laying casually on a couch while he organised some books into the dark wooden shelves.

"No," I sighed, gazing up at the paintings on the high ceiling.

"Why not? You have excellent credentials, they would be stupid not to hire you," he hummed to himself.

I laughed gently and joked a bit, "that's what I thought too."

"I'm serious, doll," he told me genuinely, and I turned my head to see him still placing books in their places with his back to me.

I had grown so used to seeing him in a suit, it felt almost strange to now have him in simple jeans and a shirt.

I told him what had happened.

Once Mr Capra Jr's. and my little talk had finished, I left the office building to head for the interview at a nearby cafe.

My mind had still been very much focused on Ben Capra. I had no idea how to feel about him.

The interview had gone extremely well. The manager seemed to like me a lot, and the whole atmosphere just seemed comfortable and calm.

"I think you'd do well in a position where you'd be in charge of advertisement," he had told me.

I hadn't expected more than a job as a barista, so it came as quite a lovely surprise he was able-ing me this.

"That sounds great," I smiled widely, then knowing that everything would be fine. Working in a cafe would put me in no kind of danger; at least the kind of danger I faced every day working for a crime syndicate.

Just as the interview had been drawing to an end, the door of the small conference room opened and a very anxious looking woman rushed in.

Without paying me any kind of attention, she proceeded to whisper something into my interviewer's ear.

I observed the whole situation with utter confusion.

The woman soon left, leaving the man in front of me looking very uncomfortable.

"It seems we're not hiring anymore, I'm sorry..." now he was avoiding eye contact completely.

"Sounds very suspicious, don't you think?" Mr Capra glanced back at me, looking at me over his thick glasses.

I shrugged, "I guess. Maybe they really weren't hiring, maybe they found someone else, or the circumstances changed."

"How close are you with my son?"

My brows furrowed and I sat up on the couch. I brought my knees up to my chest and continued watching him shuffle around with his books.

"He was an asshole to me the first time we met, then last night he was kind to me," I told him, "we're not close at all. I feel like I should stay away from him."

"That's my son you're talking about..." he warned me very lightheartedly, and I smiled.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just don't know how to feel about him. He's not like you, that's for sure."

Mr Capra finished placing books away and made his way to sit next to me on the couch. He took his glasses off and sighed.

"I didn't raise him. Countless babysitters did, and so did boarding schools," he explained, "he's was very curious about you when we talked last night. Your profession is so new to him, I think he hasn't had time to process it fully."

"He's leading a mafia," I pointed out, "how can me being a seducer be so shocking to him?"

Mr Capra chuckled and shook his head, "that, my dear, I don't know. You'll have to ask him."

"He asked me to come to dinner with him tonight," I decided to tell him. His eyes met mine and his brows raised.

"Oh? What did you say to that?"

"I told him it wouldn't be appropriate and that I have a boyfriend." I still felt rather confused at the sudden request to go to a casual dinner with him.

"Was he asking for a dinner date?" Mr Capra was like a teenage girl gossiping with her friend, all of a sudden. The thought would have amused me, unless I had realised I might've completely read the situation wrong before, with his son.

I groaned in slight embarrassement, "I didn't even think about that... what if he was just asking to make up for the way he spoke towards me when we met?"

He shrugged, contemplating the possibility of it also, "maybe, maybe not. Again, you might want to ask him."

The man sent me a playful wink, and I laughed.

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