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"Any doubts, you get in touch with Vinnie," Ben spoke to the mysterious mute driver before closing the car door and turning to me.

I watched as the car drove back out of Ben's private garage under our apartment building.

"Let's get inside, okay? Would you like me to draw you a bath?" He gently brushed my hair behind my ear, eyes searching mine. I was still shocked, horrified and frightened.

I nodded, taking hold of his hand the moment it brushed against mine.

Ben placed a small kiss on my temple before leading me toward the elevators. In silence we took it up to our apartment.

I followed quietly behind as he slipped of his coat and suit jacket and headed towards the master bathroom. I slipped off my heels carelessly and let my purse and coat fall to the ground, realising in all that hassle Ben had managed to keep the bouquet of roses, which he placed on a side table.

In the bathroom he told me to undress after turning on the tub.

He went to grab a hairclip  after unzipping my dress for me. My dress fell down to my feet as my hair was gathered up and held there with the clip.

"You're still shaking," he murmured, hand moving over my bare breasts as the stood facing my side, so close his front was almost pressing against me.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. You can get in now," he gently turned me to face the tub filling with water. With his help I did, relaxing in the warm bath.

I watched as Ben sat down on the bathroom floor beside the tub, leaning his back against the wall while his arms rested on his raised knees. He looked up at the ceiling just as his phone started ringing.

He sighed and answered it. He listened for a second, before simply replying 'good' and hanging up.

"It's Winston Horan. He's angry and sees Capra Corp as weak," Ben cleared his throat after a moment of silence, "after the new changes."

"How long have you known? Why couldn't you have told me earlier?" I persisted, brows furrowed as I watched him with confusion, knowing he was stressed.

With his dark eyes staying on the ceiling, he replied, "a month or two. I don't want to involve you in business, we have it handled."

"Clearly not if they manage to get through Tony's security," I shook my head in disbelief, "Ben—"

"We suspect Tony's doing deals with the devil," he cut me off coldly, "the target is me, not you. That's why the final shot missed, it would've been too risky."

I gaped at him, unable to believe such an accusation. Tony may or may not still have deeper feelings for me, but I highly doubted he would ever attempt to hurt me in any way, or the ones I loved.

"Horan is persuasive. Tony's been waiting for a chance to expand and grow his business," Ben began explaining carefully, knowing this was so much to process and take in after the trauma of today, "we have most money, business and manpower. If they kill me, they have it all without a succession line."

"Oh..." I breathed, unable to enjoy the warm bath I was awkwardly sitting in. My heart sank at the thought of something happening to Ben. What made it worse was the suspicion of Tony then being behind it.

"This was a close call, we need to be more careful next time," he finished, running a hand through his hair, "I guess no dates with hot redheads for Tony."

His attempt to lighten the mood fell on flat onto the floor. I breathed out slowly and brushed my hands over my face.

"I think I need to call Mr Capra Sr today," I told him, as his father would know better than anyone how to deal with all this, "do I call Tony as well? Tell him things straight?"

"No, Tony can't know," Ben shook his head, "best you can do is continue as normal, you have his feelings on your side and it guarantees you'll be safe."

"I definitely didn't feel safe today," I huffed, tears welling up in my eyes, "I still don't. And if you're in danger, so am I."

"I'm not in danger, sweetheart—"

"Don't start with that," I cut him off with a stern look, "I'm not a braindead trophy wife that'll believe whatever you say. I don't want you to be in this danger."

"'Wife' would really fit you, though," he gave me a cheeky smile, but I shook my head.

"I can't be your wife if you're dead."

Ben sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Sofia, you're overreacting. I have everything under control."

"You clearly don't! If I hadn't been with you today..." I was growing frustrated out of the stress and fear, and my feeling of him avoiding speaking realistically to me.

"Today was an error in judgement. Trust me, it won't be happening again," Ben tried to assure me, "all my men are aware, we have plans, Vinnie's in charge of handling it all and finding out who's a flight-risk."

I felt like rolling my eyes and crying. If there was a chance Ben could get stabbed in the back by one of his own, things were definitely not in control.

"I'm going to talk to your father and have a bottle of wine. Don't do anything without talking to me, Ben."

It frustrated more that he wasn't taking me as serious as I wanted him to, "I love that you care for me like this. It's very sexy."

I decided not to reply.

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