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A/N: Friday the 13th calls for drama xoxo

I was growing claustrophobic and irritated. I felt like I hadn't been anywhere else except at Ben's and at work, both situations accompanied by Tom and Jerry, as well as further surveillance.

Today Kelly was coming over to the apartment for my self-defence lesson. She had kindly agreed to this adjustment, since I could not go there anymore, even with bodyguards.

I understood why Ben was being this strict and that my feelings of cabin fever couldn't compare with his silenced worries, but I was growing tired of this.

I would take care of Winston Horan myself, if this threat went on much longer.

"They were one step away from a strip-search," Kelly told me as we hugged, before glaring back at the bodyguards that had let her into Ben's apartment.

"I'm sorry," I gave her a smile, just thankful to have human contact outside the few people I saw daily, "thank you so much for coming, this means the world."

"Anytime, Sofia," she returned my smile before her eyes moved to the toddler in his stroller, gazing up at me curiously, "this is James."

"Hi, James," I waved my hand at him, laughing lightly when all he did was continue staring at me, "you're very adorable."

He was dressed in a baby-blue onesie, his curly brown hair a mess. He let out a small sound, which I assumed was out of recognition.

"Once he gets comfortable he'll blad your ears off," Kelly grinned.

"All is clear," Vinnie spoke from behind Kelly, entering the apartment and closing the door behind him, leaving the dozen bodyguards outside, "I need to speak with Mr Capra, then wait to escort Miss Kelly out."

"It's Mrs Stanley to you," Kelly winked playfully, but Vinnie didn't register it. I shrugged, mentally telling her not to be offended. She had no idea of the troubles Capra Corp and Ben were facing, which led to everyone being on edge.

"Let me show you to the gym," I motioned for her to follow me further into the apartment after Vinnie had made his way toward Ben's office in the opposite direction, "would you like anything? Water, tea?"

"I'm all good, thanks..." her voice trailed off as she took in the apartment with awe, "this is incredible! Who lives like this?"

"Ben, apparently. The one we're moving to is even crazier," I gently laughed, "I'm more of a cottage-in-the-woods kind of person."

"No compromises, then?" she wondered, following me and pushing the stroller along.

"Some, thankfully," I shrugged, "I'll go get Ben in a second, he can meet you and James."

"And you can make him fall in love with the idea of you as a mother," Kelly teased, and I glanced back to give her a wink.

Once we arrived at the gym, I left Kelly to set up and started making my way back to find Ben. It was Saturday, so I was hoping he wouldn't do work until the early morning hours yet again, even if that had been a pattern he adopted either due to the stress or to alleviate the stress.


I jumped at the deep voice, too caught up in my thoughts to have registered Ben was standing around the corner, a small smile on his lips as we watched me.

"Hey," I halted and turned to him, "Kelly's here. Are you finished with work?"

He smoothly opened the button of his suit coat and took two steps to stand right in front of me. His dark eyes were giving me very different ideas for activity as opposed to self-defence.

"Soon," his small smile morphed into a suggestive grin the second his hand met my waist, his voice way too seductive for my liking, "I have good news: Tony's coming over for dinner tomorrow. Business."

"Oh? That's lovely," my brows furrowed, "nothing bad?"

"Nothing bad," he inched closer, his hand gently pulling me closer to his hard front in the secluded hallway we were standing in, "we have a solid plan, sweetheart. I need you here with me to persuade him, it seems I'm not the only one who would do anything for you."

I laughed, "you're cute. It's nice to see you more relaxed."

"Want to help me get more relaxed, sweetheart?" his lips brushed against the side of my ear and his hot breath hit my skin causing a pleasurable shiver to run down my body.

I felt his other hand slowly move over my hip to grasp my behind, the last spaces between us vanishing while the rough grip made a quiet gasp leave my lips.

"Kelly's here," I whispered, my hands on his chest as a feeble attempt to keep my composure, both of us knowing just one right word from him always turned me into putty in his hands, "come meet her. After we-"

He kissed me hard, as if he couldn't get me close enough to him. I didn't think twice about kissing back, knowing we didn't have a lot of time. My hands were quick to cup his jaw, tingling for him.

Because of the unfortunate situation with Winston Horan and his power-hungry ego, intimacy had become nonexistent with Ben and I due to his longer working hours, meetings and stress. Now that they seemed to have a plan worked out, the change in him was clear as day.

"You should wear these more," he murmured hotly against my lips, his hand gripping my behind again as he referenced my yoga leggings, "so sexy."

I smiled against his lips, forcing myself to regain composure despite the hot needs and feelings I had for him right now.

His lips moved back to the side of my ear, his breath sending another pleasurable tingle down my body, "I'll have you coming right here in under a minute, baby. How does that sound?"

I pulled back to find his hooded and intense eyes, and kissed him once more.

"It sounds lovely," I shimmied out of his hold, smiling gently as I brushed a piece of his hair back, "after our lesson with Kelly, though."

He studied me for a moment, before breathing out, "our lesson?"

"Yes, you're joining us. We need you to keep an eye on her son, James," my smile widened, excited at the idea of seeing him with a toddler.

"I've turned into a nanny?" his brows raised challengingly, but an amused grin tugged at the side of his lips.

I patted his hard chest, now taking a proper step back from him and his devilish ideas, "it would mean a lot to me. You can keep him entertained and watch how much progress I've made."

I had started lessons right after the shooting at Tony's building, and it had eased my anxiety.

"I'll be watching something else," he winked teasingly, and I laughed as I nudged him.

"Dirty boy," I quickly kissed his cheek and took his hand into mine, tugging him along to walk with me toward the gym.

"You give me dirty thoughts," he grinned against my bare shoulder from behind, his free hand hugging my waist and making it harder to be able to walk.

"Stop," I laughed again, really having missed this side of him.

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