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I stood outside my new home, sending a photo of it to Mr Capra Sr. My belongings and the new furniture I had bought were already inside.

From: Mr Capra: Looks so lovely and cozy! Perfect for you!

It was smaller than my old house which was now on sale. It looked like a mixture of a tiny barn and cabin, the front lawn littered with unkept plants while a deep green forest grew right behind it. I loved how concealed from everything it was, as living here would let me relax and focus on myself after the hectic life I had had in the city since the age of 16.

To: Mr Capra: I'm freaking out, I'm so in love!! I just need to put everything into place and get settled in now!

From: Mr Capra: I'm very jealous of you right now. Invite me over ASAP!

To: Mr Capra: Will do!

I slid my phone into the back pocket of my jeans and headed up the small stone-path to reach the open front door. I entered the house for the second time ever and fell even more in love.

There was a small room by the back that I had dedicated completely to painting. I had bought two easels and countless books on art styles and painters, which were on a bookshelf in the room.

My bed was already placed in the bedroom and all appliances were where they should be. All I needed to do now was rearrange the small living room to fit what I had had in mind. Also all my clothes needed to be placed in the closet and belongings put into their rightful places.

I put my hair up in a bun and began working and organising my new home.

In an hour I had finished rearranging the living room to be how I wanted, and sat down with a glass of water. I took out my phone and read a message I had received from Tony.

From: Tony: Hey! Today's moving day, right? How's it going, do you need a helping hand?

To: Tony: Hi! I've already moved in, actually! Just need to rearrange and decorate a bit!! I'm so excited!

From: Tony: Oh, that's great! How is the house?

To: Tony: It's so lovely! Romantic, rustic and boho. I'll invite you over as soon as I'm settled in!

From: Tony: I'm so glad you like it there, Sofia. You should have a house warming party, maybe?

To: Tony: Yes, interesting idea!

Before I could read what he had then replied with, there was a knock on the front door, followed by a female voice calling out.

I jumped up but refrained from running to open the door, excited to meet my new neighbour who did indeed live quite a distance away.

I opened to door to find an elderly lady dressed in a flowing red summer dress smiling happily at me. She was holding a pie in her hands.

"Hello, there," she greeted me, "I'm Billy. I live just down the street."

"Hi, Billy," I returned her contagious smile, "I'm Sofia. You're the first neighbour I've met! Would you like to come inside?"

She nodded and I let her make her way inside.

"I baked you a pie, I hope you like apples," she handed me the pie-dish once the front door had closed behind her, "it looks so lovely in here, darling."

"Oh, thank you so much," I almost drooled at the sight and smell of the beautiful pie, heart warming at her sweet gesture, "I still have a lot of my own stuff to put up, but otherwise this is pretty much it."

"Ah, well I love it," she began walking around and taking everything in while I rushed to place the pie on a kitchen counter, "do you live here all alone? Do you have a boyfriend or husband hiding somewhere?"

"No, it's just me," I laughed gently and smoothed down the front of my shirt, feeling a little awkward as I looked a hot mess right now. To be fair, a lot had happened today.

"Oh?" She sent me a curious look over her shoulder, now examining the curtains in my living room.

"Yes... I wanted to get away from the hassle of the city and everything. I'm just gathering and finding myself here, this might not be a permanent residence for me," I told her, "would you like some tea or coffee?"

"A glass of water would be just peachy, if you could," she called as I had rushed back into the kitchen, very intent on making a good impression and having her as a friend, "it's so hot outside, it's not even funny."

I laughed and agreed, pouring her a glass of water. I brought it over to her and we decided to have a seat in the living room to get to know one another.

"May I ask if you live alone?" I wondered, watching the sweet elderly lady drink the water.

"My husband passed away almost ten years ago, but I do have a cat," she told me, "I moved here from the city at the time to spend my retirement days in peace, gardening and dancing and so forth."

"Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss," was all I could think to say, eyes widening a little.

"Thank you," she let out a small laugh, "not to speak ill of the dead, or anything, but Whiskers is a much better man than he ever was."

"Whiskers is your cat?" I found myself smiling, "that's such a cute name."

"You must come over to meet him, he's quite the gentleman," she nodded genuinely, "can I suggest something?"

"Yes, of course."

"You need to get a bike," Billy placed her now empty glass of water onto the coffee table and shifted to face me, "it's very unconventional to travel around here with a car."

"Oh," I replied, "you biked here?"

"I actually have a motorcycle. I rode it here so the pie didn't get cold," she informed me, still smiling widely, "but usually I do bike everywhere."

"Do they sell bikes nearby?" I asked, wanting to direct the conversation to the small town centre where I knew a grocery store and a few cafes and bars to be.

"No, unfortunately," she shook her head, "Jameson, who owns the Crooked Teeth pub has his old one for sale, though."

"I'm actually planning on heading to the centre tomorrow to browse a possible job," I told her, "I could stop by and talk to him about it."

"You do that, darling. He has a very dry humour, just incase you offend easily," she laughed, "what kind of job are you looking for?"

"Thank you for the heads up," I grinned happily, "and anything, really. A waitress or barista would be ideal for me. I'm getting into painting, so something that won't take too much time and has flexible hours."

"Actually," she leaned closer, speaking now as if revealing a secret, "Paula's getting old. She works at the cafe. She's started getting peoples' orders wrong and I'm positive it's time she should retire... but you of course didn't hear that from me."

Billy sent me a wink and I laughed, loving her energy.

"Thank you for the tip. I'll have to scope out the place and speak to the manager," I replied with a nod, "you're very kind to be helping me, Billy."

"Why, anytime, darling," she nudged me gently, "it's not everyday that someone moves here. This is a bit of an odd question, but do you dance?"

My brows furrowed and smile widened, "a little, yes. Why?"

"Ah, fantastic!" She clapped her hands together in excitement, "I need a dance partner to help me practice a waltz I've started learning. Would you be up for it sometime? Once you've got yourself settled in and everything, of course."

"I'd love to."

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