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"He's an old businessman, take this with you for support."

Sport handed me a very small plastic tube filled with cocaine after having watched me put on a skin-tight and thin black skirt with a flimsy and white tube-top.

I slipped on heels and shook my head, "I'll manage without it, really..."

"C'mon, baby, take it. You know I love you, right?" He took a hold of my chin and pulled my face down towards his.

"Yes," I whispered and let him kiss me hungrily.

"Good. Snort that shit up and get to work," he smacked my behind and gave me an encouraging smile, "call me if something happens, yeah?"

"Yeah," I nodded with a smile and kissed him one more time.

It was already dark out, and without a jacket it was extremely cold.

I was very familiar with the hotel I was currently headed to. I had been there countless times meeting all sorts of people; specifically rich people.

Before entering, I slipped into an alleyway to snort the cocaine I had in the small plastic tube. I made sure the underneath of my nose was clean with a small mirror I always carried with me in a small purse, and entered the building.

I was definitely a sight to behold in a hotel like this. I didn't care, though, unless I was thrown out. Sport would always come sort it out if I did.

Humming a tune to myself, I took the elevator to the highest floor.

"Fancy ass," I muttered, reaching the front doors of the presidential suite.

A large man in a dark suite stood by the door, looking like someone from The Secret Service. I gave him a wide smile and extended my hand out for him to shake.

"I'm Sofia," I tilted my head and began already feeling my heartbeat accelerate and warmth flood my body, from the top of my head to the tips of my toes.

"Vinny," he introduced himself coolly, not shaking my hand.

"So, am I getting in, or what?" I giggled to myself, nodding at the doors he was standing by after retreating my hand.

His eyes were firmly trained off me, but he nodded once and opened the doors for me.

Very rarely did I have a client up in suites such as this. The money I would get out of this would make Sport very happy with me, and I couldn't wait for that.

"Hello?" I called sweetly once the doors closed behind me.

I heard footsteps nearing the entrance hall I was standing in. I quickly ruffled up my hair and made sure my cleavage was great.

"Make yourself comfortable," a middle-aged man in a simple suit appeared and gave me a kind smile.

I followed him into the living room area and sat right next to him on a couch. I felt euphoric.

Not wanting to waste time, I placed my hand high up on his thigh.

"What can I call you, baby?" I whispered seductively, slowly closing up the space between us.

"I'm Mr Capra. I don't want sex," he surprised me completely by shifting away from me, leaving a proper space between us.

My brows furrowed, "what do you want then, honey?"

"I-I'll still pay you, of course," he explained with a small chuckle, "I just want to talk."


"Sofia, did you hear me?"

I snapped out of my thoughts at Mr Capra's voice.

"Huh?" I blinked a few times and noticed he had now sat himself in front of me on the coffee table in his study.

"Is everything alright? You seem distracted..." he frowned, knowing there was something on my mind. His son.

I shook my head and laughed gently to assure him it was nothing too serious, "I'm fine. Finding a new job is just harder than I thought..."

"You had at least a dozen interview requests, what are you talking about, doll?" He chuckled questioningly, "how many have you had so far?"

"I've had ten interviews in the last week," I told him with a tired sigh, "they always surprise me by saying that suddenly they're not hiring anymore."

Mr Capra looked away and cleared his throat, "I could always find you another job with us?"

"That's kind, but I want a normal job. With regular people," I spoke gently, sensing immediately there was something important he wasn't telling me, "not with a mafia."

He ran his hand over his face and stood up, "I understand."

I got comfortable on the couch and laid down on my back, relaxing and gazing up at the white ceiling while he returned to sit at his desk.

"It'll be hard to get one with the same kind of pay without a degree from university..." Mr Capra pointed out and I nodded.

"I know. But still, I sent out my resume, told them I had worked as your secretary, and got invites for interviews!" I ranted, "I'm beginning to think there's some conspiracy going on."

"A conspiracy against you? Don't be silly, doll," he shook his head at me, going through a few stacks of documents, "if it was true, I'd know about it."

"Do you know about it?" I turned my head to be able to watch him. Without raising his attention from his papers, he shook his head firmly.

I sighed again and let my eyes close, hoping to take a short nap before going to Tony's office.

I had planned to surprise him with take-away dinner there, since he'd been cooped up in there underneath tonnes of paperwork for the past week.

I wanted to see to him in person; speak to him face to face and find out for sure what was going on with us.

The doorbell rang, and I jolted up with an excited squeal. Mr Capra gave me a smile.

"It's the sushi!" I informed him with excitement, before rushing off to open the door.

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