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"Ben.." I breathed out unevenly, biting back a moan when his torturous kisses down my bare front ended and they met where I pulsed with need for him.

Despite not usually being the one tied up but the one having done the tying, it felt astounding to be fully under his control like this. I understood more why all those businessmen loved this so much, but knew nothing could compare to having the person you love doing this to you.

I instinctively tugged at my arms, only to have them painfully be held back by the ties, as were my ankles. The pain only added to the pleasure. Remembering how Ben had at first been shy about being less experienced than me, while here he now was, making me feel things I had never even dared to dream of.

"Shall we find out how many times you can come in one night?" his voice vibrated against my sensitive bundle of nerves, and my whole body clenched, a pleasured gasp slipping past my lips.

I looked down to find his dark eyes on me, and the sight made me feel weak.

"Or how thick the walls are?" he challenged, teasing me with slow licks, brushes of his lips and hot breath.

"Please," I managed out, eyes pleading with him for more.

"That's it, baby," he chuckled lowly when my arms tugged at the ties again, "I want there to be marks tomorrow, I want everybody to see."

"You're possessive," I fired back, mustering out some self-restraint as not to give him full control so easily, although he already did.

Ben only sent me a teasing wink, continuing to lick me in such a way I wasn't able to get out another word. My back arched and eyes squeezed shut, the only thing I could think about was him.

I then felt two of his fingers slide inside me and curl up perfectly, causing me to gasp, "oh, Lord.."

"You're close?" he sounded so smug and pleased with himself, feeling my walls clenching around his fingers.

"Yes," I moaned out, the sensation from his tongue right now driving crazy.

It had been so long since we had been properly intimate and this side of him was too much too much for me to handle. I felt myself getting closer and closer to release, muscles tensing up and my hands itching to grab onto him, tug his hair and feel him.

It didn't take him long to have me breathing heavier and heavier, until warm and intense pleasure flooded my body as my orgasm hit me. He continued his delicious assault on my bundle of nerves, until I was nothing more than a quivering mess underneath him, very sensitive to the touch.

My heart was racing, still coming down from the incredible high when Ben lifted himself up and gave me a deep kiss. I felt him position his hard member at my entrance.

"Can I?" he murmured, voice hoarse and breath heavy with need.

"Yes, yes," I had barely managed out until he had fully sunk into me, eliciting a high pitched yelp from my lips at the surprise, pleasure and stretch. My God, was he hard.

With one hand supporting himself, the other found my neck to keep me even more in place as he kissed me hungrily. His thrusts were deep and hard, not giving me a chance to recover as I was immediately immersed in new pleasure.

"This is what you like?" he murmured hotly, lips trailing down to my breasts when I needed to gasp for air, "say it."

"I love this," I moaned out, completely clouded in him. I had never experienced anything like this before. He looked sinfully sexy; hair a mess and body so needy for me.

He gently bit my nipple, only adding to the pleasure.

"I want to see you like this every day," he grunted, thrusts growing faster and harder as he neared his release. He kissed me again, free hand moving down to hold me in place by my hip more roughly now.

Suddenly he stopped and lifted himself enough to be able to swiftly untie my hands.

"Thank you," I breathed, so in awe of him and how he looked right now; devilish. My voice trailed off into a moan when his thrusts resumed and so did the punishing kiss.

It felt amazing to finally be able to grip his hair and scratch his back, and I knew he loved it too.

It didn't take long from there for him to groan out with pleasure as he gently bit my shoulder and released inside of me.

"Fuck," he breathed out heavily, thrusts slowing down before he let himself fall down on top of me, member still buried inside me.

I felt like I had just ran a marathon, and I had never felt better. I felt warm, relaxed and pleasured in a way I had never experienced before. It was the love and need we shared for each other, that made this so incredible.

"How was that?" I felt him smile against my bare shoulder, small kisses left along my hot skin slowly.

"I'm speechless," I admitted, still trying to calm my body down, "I think that was the best sex I've ever had."

Ben lifted up his head and looked at me with raised brows, "you think it was? We can go again, if you're not sure."

I giggled and cupped his jaw, "no, no, I'm positive it was the best sex ever."

He grinned boyishly and kissed me once more, "why can't I get enough of you? You make me feel like a horny teenager."

I shook my head at him, voice softening further, "I can't imagine how hard it is running the world as a horny teenager."

"It's not that hard with you by my side," he shrugged, slowly pulling out of me and then untying my ankles.

He moved to lay down beside me, on his side and watching me carefully. He let his fingers move along my bare torso, until I also turned onto my side to face him. I followed his gaze as it settled on my hands, more specifically on the red marks left from the ties.

"Does it hurt?" he frowned a little, taking my hand into his and examining the mark closer, "I got a little carried away.."

"No, I really loved it," I assured him, letting him leave a gentle kiss on my wrist.

"Yes?" his dark eyes met mine again, "I love you."

"I love you," I gave him a soft kiss.

We stayed there in silence for a moment, not needing to say a thing as we just looked at each other. It felt like a blessing to have this time with him, when he clearly had nothing else on his mind and was fully present and relaxed.

After we had both gone to the bathrooms to freshen up, we got back into bed. I now had on a tee shirt of his, while he had on white boxers.

I immediately cuddled up to Ben, breathing deeply and letting myself melt against his firm body.

"Are you too tired for a second round?" I found myself asking quietly.

In a swift motion he moved himself over me, his adorable grin and enthusiasm amusing me greatly before he kissed me, "never."

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