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"Please tell Billy I received the maid of honour's dress this morning," I spoke into my phone while putting on my earrings, "and that I'll try it on tomorrow. She's invited over for that and champagne."

"How lovely! I'll be sure to deliver the message," Mr Capra Sr chuckled through the speaker, "and which earrings did you decide to go with tonight?"

"The small gold ones," I smiled, loving that he had offered to help me choose while chitchatting with me as I got ready.

He had been resting inside today, already feeling much better after yesterday. I had told him about Ben and I meeting Tony for dinner at ours in a short while, and found out that he had already been informed about this and found it to be a good idea. It was nice to see in practice how Mr Capra Sr's and Ben's relationship was growing for the better.

"Sofia," I heard Ben call my name from down the hall.

"I need to go now," I told Mr Capra Sr, applying a final additional coat of red lipstick.

"Alright, much love and update me on how it goes!"

"Of course," I grabbed my phone and began walking out of the wardrobe, "love you, bye!"

I ended the call and left my phone to charge in our bedroom. I went to find Ben just having left his office, his fully black suit and dress shirt making my heart skip a beat.

"You look very good," I mused, taking him in as I neared him.

"You look too good," he chuckled, hand finding my waist the second I stepped up to him, "poor guy won't be able to concentrate."

"Oh, shush," I smiled, "you told me to wear this."

Since the first times I had had contact with Ben, I had quickly come to realise my black satin high-leg split Versace dress was a favourite of his.

"Always forget how well you wear it," he kissed my cheek as I had on lipstick.

After last night, just being close to him I felt electric, yet almost shy. The power dynamic had shifted for a moment into one I really found myself liking, and I was excited to find out where it coud lead.

"Tony's almost here," Ben checked his watch, "are you ready?"


Ben's chefs had set up a lovely dinner for the three of us in the grand dining room. I was to sit next to Ben, while Tony would sit opposite us.

Despite some misjudgements, such as thinking that working with Winston Horan was a good thing, Tony wasn't stupid. I was certain he knew exactly why he had been invited over, and therefore had taken great safety precautions. If Winston had snipers on hand, so did Tony.

In a few minutes Tony was escorted in by Ben's security team, Vinnie leading them.

"He's all clear, his men are waiting outside with ours," Vinnie told us as we stood at the foyer, waiting to greet Tony.

"Good," Ben gave him a nod.

I watched Tony straighten his suit coat after the pat down he had experienced, before clearing his throat and stepping up to us, his eyes on mine and a polite smile on his lips.

"Thank you for having me over, you look amazing," he spoke, and I felt Ben's hand on my lower back, "I'm starving."

I heard Ben quietly chuckle and shake his head to himself, and I knew he was holding back a snarky comment.

"It's lovely that you could make it," I smiled when he leaned in for a hug which I accepted, Ben's hand never once leaving my back.

"Good to still have you in one piece," Ben then spoke quite coldly, shaking Tony's hand, "Sofia hasn't received a promotion yet?"

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