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I woke up to sun streaming inside my bedroom and birds chirping happily outside, living their best life.

The nude man laying soundly asleep beside me had thrown his arm over my torso at some point during the night as he cuddled up to me, rendering me unable to move.

The deep and steady puffs of breath leaving Ben's lips fanned against the crook of my neck and I shivered pleasurably. His head was resting atop my shoulder, sleeping soundly.

Events of yesterday and specifically last night flooded into my memory and I smiled.

I brought the hand he was laying on up to be able to somehow brush my fingers through his hair slowly and gently.

(A/N: hihii JK, I'm not skipping over the smut ya nasties !!)

"Are we really doing this?" He murmured hotly against my lips as we stumbled toward my bedroom.

"Yes," I replied shortly, tugging him even closer by the collar of his dress shirt.

"What happened to slow?" Ben chuckled, pulling away to take in my bedroom once we'd made it there.

"Nothing," I insisted, cupping his face to gently return his attention to my pleading eyes, "I just need you."

"Yeah?" A smug smirk tugged at the sides of his lips, proud of himself, "you'd rather not wait? After a few dates would be more normal. More romantic, if you will."

"Don't get cocky with me," I giggled and shook my head at him, "it's been months. I'm so sexually frustrated, it's not even funny at this point."

"You haven't been with anyone else?" Ben cleared his throat and calmed down, tone still low enough to make me want to clench my thighs together and get lost in his dreamy dark eyes.

"No, of course not," I shook my head, "have you?"

"I haven't," he told me, before a boyish grin formed onto his lips, "but still... I'm willing to wait if you are."

"Lies," I returned his grin and kissed him again.

Ben was immediately kissing back, letting me hastily begin unbuttoning his shirt. His hands moved along my sides before going behind my back to unzip my dress. We both pulled back from our kiss for him to take of his open shirt and for me to shimmy out of my dress.

Just as I was going in to kiss him again, now left in my underwear while he still had on his suit pants, he froze and frowned.

"What is it?" I asked, my hands now fiddling around to open his belt.

"I don't have a condom with me," he breathed out shakily, gaze moving down to where my hands were and where his arousal was causing a more than prominent indent in his pants, "can I? Are you still on birth control?"

"Yes," I brushed it off, laughing gently, "I'm on birth control. We're both clean, right?"

"Right," he gave me a smile once I had managed to open up his belt and then looked back up at him.

Ben working out more was definitely more visible now that he was shirtless. I almost drooled at his toned front, wanting to kiss him and touch him everywhere.

"I really, really like you, Ben," I told him quietly, hoping he understood the deep meaning behind my words, "I'm so glad you're here."

"Ditto," he kissed me, cupping my jaw with one hand while the other tugged me closer from my hip, "we're good, right? You won't kick me out after?"

I laughed and kissed him back, "make me feel good and I'll never let you leave."

He smiled widely into our kiss, before swiftly unhooking my bra and ridding me of it. His hands travelled along my sides feeling my body, before one trailed up to cup my breast.

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