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"I'm sorry," his low voice vibrated through my body, causing a pleasurable shiver to run down my spine.

I tugged harshly at the strands of his hair and he hissed at the pain. He in turn sucked at the skin by my collarbone, surely leaving some sort of mark.

"I'll make everything up to you," his hot breath hit my cold skin, warming up my body in the cold night. His lips brushed along my neck, leaving delicious and open-mouthed kisses whenever and wherever he could.

Ben had driven me home. During the car ride he had tried to get me to talk, but I had given him the silent treatment. Only during the last few minutes before we reached my house I had exploded, bringing up his insane plan to get rid of Tony just because he thought I was still together with him and how he unbeknownst to me made my life horrible during these past few months by ruining my chances of getting a job anywhere else. I had cursed at him and told him what an actual creep he was being, and that this was the kind of behaviour I had seen only on crime documentaries before.

He had listened and apologised, yet this wasn't something he could fix that easily, if at all.

Once we'd arrived by my house and he had parked along the street in front of it, without me asking he was already getting out of the car with me to walk me to my front door.

I was angry at him and scared of him, all the while incredibly attracted to him. I knew this wasn't healthy, but I couldn't do anything about it — more like I didn't want to.

"Inside," his lips met mine in a rough and passionate kiss, taking my breath away.

My core clenched and I felt a wave of arousal rush down my body at the way his hard body was pushing against mine, keeping me firmly in place against the rough wall.

"No," I bit his lower lip, not in a sexy way but hard enough to make him wince and pull back in a flash.

With shock written across his features he brought one hand to his lower lip, only to find that I had bit it hard enough to draw blood.

"You bitch," he spoke underneath his breath, eyes focusing dangerously on me again before he kissed me again, much more roughly this time.

How we had ended up in a situation like this on my porch by my front door was beyond me. Neither had initiated it, it just happened.

We had kissed and he had ended up pushing me against the wall hard enough to make me yelp in pain at the impact on my back.

Nothing from the kiss to now had been romantic. This was one part pure anger, another pure need and a third... I guess the third part was a twisted way of saying goodbye. While I was saying goodbye with one last time, it was clear he was trying to right his wrongs.

"Inside," he spoke menacingly against my lips, with ease removing my hands from their rough grips on his hair to pin them up against the wall over my head with one of his hands.

"No," I hissed and continued the kiss he had seized at my reply. I adored how rough he was being, even though I shouldn't. I loved how he had me pressed against the wall like this and was acting like this in between saying he was sorry and that he'd make it up to me.

"Fine, have it your way," he muttered, kissing me back hard enough to make the back of my head hit the wall and create a sound. I winced at the pain, but neither of us cared.

It was very cold and dark outside, the only lights being a few dim lampposts along my street. Despite the money I had earned working for the mafia, most of it I had saved and was satisfied with not living in a fancy penthouse apartment in the middle of the city with a gorgeous view and such. I lived rather modestly in a house perfectly sized for me, despite the lifestyle that I lived. The only light lighting us up was a small and dying light by my front door.

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