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"I can't believe I let you work for him..." Ben grumbled under his breath.

I laughed, not taking him seriously, "you didn't let me work for anyone, oh mighty master. I have free will, I'm an independent working woman."

He shot me a unpleased glance, "free will is debatable..."

We had spent the weekend packing up my home. It was hard saying goodbye to my humble cottage and normal job, I had loved both dearly. Billy I would still be seeing, thank God, since her and Mr Capra really had seemed to grow to something adorably serious.

We began driving to London a good while ago, but most of the journey had consisted of me on the phone with Tony. Ben wasn't too happy with that, but I knew not to take it too seriously. I knew he loved getting attention from me, as I did from him, especially after our last week apart.

"I know men, Sofia. Nobody would laugh at that space janitor pun unless they wanted sex," Ben sighed, shaking his head.

"You're saying my jokes are bad?" I grinned at the beautiful man beside me, eyes focused on the road ahead, "Ben, he's my new boss. Of course we need to get everything sorted before Monday."

(I don't remember if they are together lol sorry xd bear with me here!!)

"I don't want you going in there single. He'd be all over you, I know he wants you."

My grin faded into a smile, gently taking his hand in mine. I knew Ben was stressed of much more than me going to work for Tony. He was nervous I wouldn't like living with him in the city, he was nervous he'd lose me again.

"I don't have to be single, you know..." I reminded him, "I'm fully committed to you, anyway."

"Are you?" he asked, quickly glancing over at me again, curiously.

"Honey, the second you let me tie you up," I teased, "you were mine."

"This isn't a joke."

"I know it isn't," I softly squeezed his hand, thumb running over his knuckles, "I'm all for equal rights. If you're mine, then I'm yours."

"Equal rights, huh? Thought you liked it when I paid for you and got you gifts," Ben visibly relaxed, a small grin tugging at the sides of his delicious lips.

I giggled and shook my head at him, "what can I say? I love to be pampered by you."

A comfortable silence fell over us and my gaze focused on the trees flashing by us. I knew we were getting closer and closer to the city, because the trees slowly became fewer and fewer.

"So..." Ben cleared his throat, something on his mind.

My attention returned to him and patiently waited for him to continue.

"I'm yours, you're mine?" His hand squeezed mine gently, enough for me to know he wanted me to say it.

"Yes," I replied, carefully studying the side of his face, "would you like us to be a couple?"

To my surprise, Ben fell silent. When he finally answered, it surprised me even more, "the world is a dangerous place, especially our world."

"I can take care of myself," I assured him, heart fluttering at his concern for me, "I want to be your girlfriend."

He had told me about Capra Corp's slightly more vulnerable position now, as the title of Don would no longer be passed down from father to son.

"I want you to be more."

I smiled, loving this man more than words could ever describe, "I will be, one day. You were the one who wanted to go slow this time, remember?"

"You're moving in with me, fuck slow."

I laughed, "you really love me, don't you?"

"Madly," he chuckled, "I want to put a baby in your belly."

"Buy me dinner first, gosh..." my smile widened as I joked.

"Both can be arranged," Ben sent me a teasing wink, sending butterflies to my tummy, "girlfriend."

"You're silly. Can you believe I despised you when we first met?" I reminisced, looking back at the few trees we passed.

"I think I fell in love with you the moment I saw you," he told me sincerely.

"That's not true," I laughed, seeing through his words, "who wants sex now, huh?"

Ben chuckled, "alright, fine. I was very intrigued, I had never met a woman like you before."

"If you act like an asshole I will call you an asshole," I shrugged, "Don or not."

"And that's why I fell in love with you," he continued, now truthfully, "you're feisty, it's very sexy."

"I knew you loved being dominated," I teased, gently nudging him, "I'll tie you up again tonight, if you'd like."

"That's out of question, sweetheart," Ben persisted, "I told you I would be the one to tie you up next."

"Keep telling yourself that," I playfully rolled my eyes at the stubborn man.

"Since you like kinky and teasing me like that, we can also pick up spanking," he surprised me by shrugging casually, his voice and calm threat exciting me immensely.

Before I had a chance to gather my thoughts, my phone started ringing again. This time it wasn't Tony, but Mr Capra.

"Let me speak to him," Ben spoke with a dangerously calm and deep tone, annoyed at the thought of Tony calling yet again.

I answered Mr Capra's call and put him on speaker.

"Hi, Mr Capra! We're almost home," I spoke into the phone, noticing how Ben relaxed when he found it was just his father.

"Sofia, doll! We've arranged a little surprise for you, I hope Ben hasn't spilled the beans about it," Mr Capra sounded very excited, background sounds hinting that he was in a very busy room.

"That's so sweet," I smiled widely while Ben sighed, knowing his father wasn't the best at keeping secrets, "please take it easy, don't put too much pressure on yourself or get too excited."

I hated being so worried about Mr Capra all the time, but anything happening to him anymore was my greatest fear. As the only father-figure I had ever had, I wanted him to live forever and never leave us.

"Oh, please," he laughed, "I'm way past excited! Am I on speaker?"

"Yes, dad..." Ben spoke, "what is it?"

"Hi you two!" Billy's voice suddenly chimed in.

"Hey, Billy," I grinned, "you didn't tell me you'd be coming to London?"

"I came for the surprise, you see," she told us, "I thought a little womanly touch would make it perfect. The—"

Mr Capra cut her off, knowing she would say something soon to ruin or hint at the surprise. My wild guess was that it was a welcome home -party, as it was most Mr Capra's style.

"We actually have some news for you," Mr Capra continued, "we're getting married next summer!"

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