Silvinia (Enemies to Lovers)

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(Um, i would like to warn there are a few fat shame comments at the start (Only one), And a few Comments about Sirens non existent chest)

Siren followed the short blond man back to a large cabin, on the door a sign read 'Gang Meeting House' the man opened the door and sighed "Beware of the hell spawns, and welcome" he said, downing an entire cup of coffee in one sip.

A skeleton like deity glared at the pale girl from across the room with a sneer "Who's the water logged bitch" she grumbled "Another drowned one? Ugh, well unlike the others she got some water damage poor girl, little on the chubby side huh? Well, everywhere but your tits" Lavinia chuckled "Who let the fucking skeleton in" Siren sneered.

Lavinia rolled her eyes "God, someone's got an attitude" she growled. "Only person with an attitude here is you" Siren said sharply. Charlie looked between the two before his eyes landed on Siren "I warned you about my two hell spawn children, That's one of them, Lavinia, Don't.. don't look her in the eyes... Her power- Just don't be stupid and do that, we good? Cool, imma go make another cup of coffee" The small blond father figure sighed as he walked into the kitchen.

At the sight of Siren one of the other girls, Aqua Marlo, bolted out of the room, if Siren saw her she was so so screwed.... Siren had noticed her killer, but chose to ignore her as well, the man she had been sitting with did not look like someone one would want to pick a fight with.

Lavinia looked somthing up on her phone before looking at Siren again "Holy shit, your hair looks like lagoona blue from those stupid monster movies" she started laughing hysterically, as did the girl next to her. Siren glared at Lavinia, ready to punch her square in her dunbass face.

The small girl who had been laughing with Lavinia stood up and walked over to Siren, apon closer inspection you could see half her head was crushed in, as was her shoulder, and her eyes where two different colors, the girl held her hand out for Siren to shake "Names Jessica, nice to meet ya, you seem cool, ain't no one stood up to Lavinia before" she grinned. "Nice to meet you to, are you guys afraid of her or something?" Siren questioned.

A blond girl started laughing the cracks in her face had water dripping from them "Scared of Lavinia? Looking the bitch in the eyes can give you a fucking brain seizure! Yes we're fucking scared of her" the girl grinned "that's a dumbass question newbie"

"Well she doesn't seem scary, it's obviously a front she's putting on." Siren laughed. "She's my best friend, I've seen her kill people, but the bitchy thing is so fucking hilarious" Eloise chuckled. "Welcome to hell" a tall male said, maybe 6'3, Silas baker "there's a lot of us, and it's chaos"

Three girls hopped up, Nallia Willows, Wynona Grace, and Adelaide gardener. "We're the chaos trio, nice to meet you!" Wynona smiled. Addy nodded "Yup!!" Nallia sighed "I'm the only mature one" she mumbled. Lavinia sat silently in the back, still looking Siren up and Down, her eyes landing on Sirens ears, then, she got up and walked over to Siren, tugging on her ear "Awe look at that, a little Fairy" she laughed out.

Siren let out a low growl "Let. Go." She was not gonna take this. Lavinia smiled and held sirens ear tighter "I don't think I will." Ribs the comedian skeleton was watching this all pan out "eww get a room you two" he yelled. Siren gagged "Um, Ew?" She actually did feel sick, of course, that wasn't why.

Lavinia rolled her eyes "you wouldn't be saying that if you knew what I'm like in a private room." She shrugged. ribs got up and strutted away. Honey Darcy looked at Mary Vandelle "um.. mom, what do they need a room for?" She asked confused. Mary's eyes went wide for a second before she smiled "Nothing sweetie, They don't need one" she tried to cover.


It had been a few months since Siren had moved into the Cabin with the others, But after the first 2 months she stopped leaving her room, Lavinia and Siren spent quite a lot time together before she stopped coming around. so Charlie sent Lavinia to go check on her, Lavinia knocked on the door, but the only response she got was Siren crying from the other side. "Hey dumbass you ok" Lavinia almost wanted to be nice but she couldn't, she didn't know how to be, Not yet.

Even after the comment no response came from the other side of the door. She slowly opened it to fine Siren curled up on her bed sobbing. "siren?" Lavinia seemed confused to why the girl was acting like this, she set the plate she had been told to bring next to the crying girl "Charlie said you have to eat dumbass" Lavinia said flatly. Siren shook her head, tears still streaming down her face. "Siren, you do know not eating is how people die, don't you?" Lavinia said, A little annoyed.

Siren ignored her and continued to cry, which pissed Lavinia off, she sat next to her, grabbing Sirens face and forcing her to look at her, Siren averted her eyes from Lavinias. Lavinia growled "I can control my powers, look me in the eyes and tell me what the fucks wrong Fae" she wasn't gonna deal with this shit.

Siren shook her head again, pissing Lavinia off more "Siren, You could fucking die.... I can't let that fucking happen, Look at you Siren, your obviously making yourself sick, My rooms right next to yours, I hear you sobbing all night, For 3 months, you've barley eaten anything, your probably dehydrated and... Look I can't fucking lose you Siren" she admitted "I don't wanna die" Siren whimpered "but I can't eat and I can't sleep at all"

Lavinia raised an eyebrow "What The hell do you mean you can't" she sighed. "I can't bring myself to eat" the blonde girl cried. Lavinia sighed, letting go Sirens face "What can I do to make you eat" she asked. "I'm sorry I don't know how to fix it, this happens every once in a while" she whimpered. Lavinia pulled Siren into her lap and looked at her "Siren, there's a difference between Every once in a while, and 2 months in a row non stop" she sighed once again, she does that a lot. Siren felt safe in Lavinia's arms and rested her head in the crook of Lavinia's neck. Lavinia felt herself Blush just a little bit "you comfortable Little fairy" she joked. "Just a little" Siren was feeling much better.

Lavinia laughed "I'm glad, It's weird to hold someone like this, normally I just scare people off" she admitted. "I wasn't scared of you" Siren giggled. Lavinia grinned "Well I'm not mad about that one" she chuckled, running her fingers through Sirens hair.

Lavinia planted a kiss on Siren's cheek, Siren blushed and smiled "L- what was that for?" She whispered. Lavinia chuckled "Cause I love you ya dumbass" she smiled. "Now you need to get some sleep" she kissed her again, this time she did it on Sirens lips, causing the pail girls face to blush all kinds of purple. "no don't leave" Siren chuckled "sleep with me" the two girls cuddled up next to each other. Siren fell asleep almost immediately for the first time in months, her arms wrapped around Lavinia whos head rested on Sirens chest, She was reading a book, since well... she didn't sleep, cause I mean, gods don't need to, but she was happy, genuinely happy, knowing Siren was gonna be ok.

"Goodnight my flat chested Pillow" Lavinia muttered as she continued her book.


Authors note:

Soooo I struggled not to cry out of loneliness and that's it


My baby Siren really needed this qwq
Baby needs love
Luckily she has her skele gf huh?

I really love writing with My irl friend Turtle, aka the other part of the Author note, Cause like I have motivation again!

I forgot that writing is supposed to be fun, Thank god for my amazing friend who's made this fun for me again

Sorry I got soft there, whoops

So thanks to ash for letting me use her amazing OCs
And thanks to @Natlennon for helping me write 🖤🖤🖤

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