All in my head?

13 1 17

(So in This Jez is still alive and out with her friends- well you'll see xD)

The group of girls threw there things to the ground, one of them sat on a rock, her silky red ponytail so long it sprawled out on the ground as she sat. "So~" the female cooed to her friends in an angelic voice "you guys gonna put up the tent for us? I don't wanna break a nail" she pouted.

Her other friend rolled her green eyes "God your so obvious" the pink and black haired girl snorted. "Just leave her be, she's a lazy slut remember?" The Brown haired one smiled, feeling herself get kicked by the older girls heels. "Ow Jez" Wynona mumbled "Stabbing me with your heel, your so mean"

"Bitch you called me a slut?!" The oldest of the three collage students retorted. Allison grabbed each of them by there ear and growled "you two. We are having a NICE get away from society so you two be good"

"Y-yes m-ma'am" the other two stuttered out. Allison nodded and starting setting up the tent. A rustling was apparent from off in the woods and Wynona grabbed Jez by the choker and pointed in that direction "d-did you see that?!"

Jez raised an eyebrow "see what Nona?" She figured her annoying friend was just playing pranks again. "It looked like a fucking Alien or some shit" the brunette muttered, trying to spot it again. "Yeah righ-" she turned hearing something in the lake behind them, she saw a blond head and red eyes peaking up from the water, but when she blinked it disappeared, she turned to Allison "Ally... can we find a new camp sight.. I think there's someone in the lake" Jezabelle mumbled. "And there aliens?!" Wynona added.

Allison looked at them, grabbing a small flashlight from her pocket and grabbing her friends by the faces flashing the light in there eyes "hm... pupils look normal... and not dilated again... so not drugs this time... what are you two playing at"

"Nothing!" The other two said in sync. Ally sighed "you two I swear" she sighed, throwing there things into the tent and setting up the camp fire "Jezabelle, you of all people shouldn't have to worry right? I mean you where raised by nuns"

"I just haven't been out here since the accident" the red head mumbled. "Oh shit weren't you and your family coming back from a camping trip here when it happened?" Wynona asked.

Jez sighed "yeah... I remember" she snorted at the memory "I thought I had made friends with what I called 'the lady in the lake' my older brother thought I had lost it, and my mamma said I was making things up, Pappa then said I wasn't allowed to go swimming anymore, he thought it was a dead body or something and I had imagined her as a living person"

"That's terrifying" Allison said, sitting on the ground next to Wynona. Jez snorted "I sorta remember bits and pieces of that night we spent here, I thought there where Sirens and ghosts and demons and living dolls... god I was a fucked up kid"

"What if there is a body in that lake" Wynona shuddered at the thought, really hoping there wasn't.

"Well.. if what I thought as a kid was true, then there plenty of them, but there tied to the very bottom of the lake by the lady of the lake so she has company, dragging people who she can convince to swim at midnight down to the bottom, enjoying the screams" as Jez said these things her eyes glazed over, scaring her friends a bit.

Ally snapped infront of the other girls glassy brown eyes, snapping her out of her trance like state. Jezabelle started laughing "jeez sorry about that, I think I snapped for a sec, and we haven't even drank anything yet."

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