Dont worry i gotcha (Jessica & Ray)

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(I wanted to write for the fluff siblings!! That's all I have to say about this, oh also the picture at the top screams Ray and Jess vibes fight me -w-)

Jessica Lee stared at the plastic stars glued to the ceiling, desperately trying to ignore the searing pain in her head and block out the dark thoughts crossing her young mind. She hadn't left her room at all that day, she didn't know what time it was either, she hadn't picked up her phone at all, despite the calls ringing constantly, probably Kenneth or Raymond checking on her.

Kenneth and Raymond... Jess thought about the two, Kenneth was like a father to her, he had been for years... since long before she was- well... like this...

As for Ray, Jess chuckled just thinking about her idiotic bestie. Ray was a mess, but he was amazing, he might as well be her little brother at this point.

As if she called him the door cracked open, and the bright light from the hallway leaked into her room, she immediately turned away from it, now facing the wall.

"J-J-Jess?" A small timid and familiar voice called out quietly to her. "Yeah" Jess growled out, her head still killing her. Ray sighed "I'll go get the Advil, and a snack, you have to eat somthing, you want a pack of seaweed J-J?"

Jessica let a mumble in reply. He nodded, completely understanding her without her saying a real sentence. "I'll be right back then J" and he walked out.

Jessie growled quietly, the door still open, and she pulled a pillow over her face to block the light. Ray came back a while later, shutting the door and pulling the pillow off her face. "Jes, here, take this" ray handed her a pill.

Jessie grumbled again and took it, swallowing it dry. Ray shuddered "that's disgusting, anyway. Sit up, you have to eat" he said flatly.

"Mmmmm... don't wanna" Jessica groaned. Ray was used to this, and he gently pulled Jess to sit up and propped her on pillows. "Bitch" Jess grumbled put at him. Ray shook his head, opening the package of seaweed and handing a piece to Jess. "Cmon J-J, you know you this is your favorite" he sighed.

Jessica growled again "fine" she bit it, him still holding onto it. Ray laughed "you goofball" he gave her a pat on the not crushed side of her head"

"Thanks for caring RayRay" she muttered, leaning into him. Ray smiled "don't worry JJ, I gotcha, it's a little brothers job" he said, wrapping his arms around his friend, as Jess cuddled against him.

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