I'll Take Care Of You. Forever. (Esther x Val)

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The bedroom door creaked open, and the stressed out woman lounging on her bed shot up "Val? Is that you my love?" Esther fiddled with her beaded bracelet that she always wore. It was extremely important to her to have a bracelet on, it was a way of coping and that was important, she couldn't let herself be too stressed out after all, otherwise she picked and clawed at her own skin, leaving red lines and marks that damaged her low self esteem even worse. Slowly her wife limped into the room and Esther cringed "V-Val? What happened?" her wife didn't answer, just shaking her head. Eventually though, Valencia sighed "Nothing my dear.. I'm fine" she was bruised all over her face, her arms and legs cut up like crazy, her dress had a few more tears than usual. Esther shot out of bed, going to her wife and pulling her inside, closing and locking the door so she could focus on her love.

Esther started to unzip the back of the clown's dress, she helped her lover slide it off, despite her insistence she was okay. "Hushhh. Let me help you, you're hurt. I need to see the full picture my love" Esther had tears in her eyes, the wounds on her wife were wounding her own heart. Val reached for the desk in front of her, kneeling so Esther could get to her back better, since the darker haired woman was so much taller, The shorter woman smiled.. That meant Val was gonna let her assist her. A sign she trusted her wife. Esther hurried to slip off her wifes dress and sit her on the bed, slowly she crawled into her lap and started to examine the wounds on her chest and shoulders "I'm gonna get bandages and a bowl of water to clean you up okay my dear?" As she asked, she cupped the woman's bloody cheek in her hand, as she looked into her lover's eyes she wanted to cry, the clown's makeup was smeared all over her face, she was a mess, Esther had never seen her like this, and it felt like a knife in her gut.

Esther kissed her wifes lips, so softly she doubted Val could feel it, which must've aggravated her wife a little, since Valencia pulled Esther in close, kissing her a lot harder then Esther had expected. When she released her, Esther blushed, and Val spoke "Babydoll you can't just tease me with kisses I can't feel.. You know how I am.. I need you" she started to wrap her arms around the smaller girl, but Esther slid away "Nono. Don't you dare try to distract me with all the attention- You know how easily I melt into that." she shook her head. Val smiled a little "C'mon doll, you have me sitting here in my undergarments, and you were on my lap, what was I supposed to do?" She reached for her wife again but Esther shook her head "Nononono let me take care of you!!" she grumped and pouted. She went and unlocked the door, walking to the bathroom.

Esther let herself cry as she shoved her bag full of first-aid, then grabbed a bowl from under the sink. Filling it with warm water, searching for a washcloth to drop into the bowl. She finally was gonna go back to their room but decided to run down to the kitchen first, she put a few snacks and an orange soda into her bag before she ran back to the bathroom to get the bowl. Finally she went back to her room, her wife still sitting on the bed, now scrolling through her phone. Esther moved the phone, and handed her wife the soda, kissing her forehead as she did so. Laying snacks beside Vals leg, before crawling behind her on the bed to start patching up and cleaning her wifes wounded back. Slowly she noticed as her wife snacked on her food, and that made Esther smile a little, as she moved to one of her arms, then the other, eventually Val leaned against her softly "Are you done..?"

Esther was not done, and she said that much, moving to clean blood off her wifes face. Val was starting to get squirmy, making Esther's job a little harder, but the smaller woman kissed her wifes cheek, the taller one simply melted into her arms, the squirming stopped. Her wife smiled, "I love you so much Val, You're so special my love. I know how much you hate to worry me, but we're married, So I want to care about you." With that she continued to clean her up. It took a while to get done with her wifes wounds. Eventually she stood up, she slid off the bed. Val sat up immediately "Come back Angel- Why are you leaving me- come back" she whimpered. She wanted Esther's attention more than ever, especially being wounded.

The pink wife eyed her, placing all the things she'd used to clean her up onto the table, digging into their drawers and pulling out a fluffy nightgown, going back to Val and helping her put it on, Finally she sat next to her again. Running her fingers through the other woman's dark hair she sighed "How do you wanna lay tonight my sweet?" with that Val laid back and patted her chest for Esther to cuddle onto, but she didn't. She shook her head "No love, you're injured, I shouldn't put pressure on you" without a word though, Val yanked her forward, her small body flopping onto the younger woman with a yelp. Val giggled as she adjusted Esther's body on top of hers, Esther sighed, giving into her wife's whims and melting onto her chest, the clown's hands landed on her back, as the small girl's head rested on her wife's chest.

She had to admit she loved this position. It just felt right. She felt like she was supposed to be here. Supposed to be in her wife's arms. Like she was made to fit onto Val's chest. Valencia smiled at the sight of her small wife "There's my pretty girl. Right where she belongs, Cause you're mine, My pretty little angel Darling." Val started to run her hands through Esther's hair, the girl she held was softly smiling. "Thank you for taking care of me, my Esther" the smaller woman cooed and hummed at the affection. That made Val's heart melt. As the small girl fell asleep, she smiled. Her wife. 

(Some hurt comfort for my comfort couple <3)

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