May I have this Dance?

10 1 17

(Very short little Presley Family fluff qwq)

Camille sighed, leaning on her husbands shoulder "Shes my daughter, why is she never home" the taller man complained, "I really dont get it-" he was cut off sharply by the pain from someone biting his ankles, as his yougest daughter crawled into his lap "Snowy girl Happy, you play with Marnie!!"

Dominic laughed, Looking over as Camille smiled, pulling up something on his phone and playing music. She sat up and moved Marnie off Dominic, Pulling him up and into a ballroom dance position. Dominic clearly, was not used to this, as Camille led him around the room, Marnie clapped "Mamma Marnie wanna dance too!!"

Camille picked up Marnie and Placed her feet on top of Dominic's and then put her hands in her fathers. Dominic held Marnies hands and walked the steps to the dance with Marnies feet on his.

The door swung open and Carol walked in laughing, Camille grabbed Carols hands, scaring the blind girl "what the fuck- who"

Camille squeaked in disapproval of her daughters language, Carol sighed "hi mom, you scared me"

Camille giggled and spun her daughter around.

The family continued to have there own dance parties Marnie and Carol switching parents a few times before Marnie Pulled Carol to the side so Dominic and Camille could have a dance together.

At the end of the night the family collapsed on the sofa, all four of them cuddled together. A movie now playing on the television In front of them.

Not even half way through all three girls fell asleep. Making Dominic smile softly, hugging all three close to him. "My three favorite girls" he whispered, falling asleep moments later.

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