My Daughter.

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Charlie heard the phone go off, he's gotten used to a more modern phone, but he knew Mary only used that damn rotary phone, so he walked to pick it up. On the other side of the phone he could hear Mary yelling at her girls which she had so many that he couldn't blame her. He waited for her to focus back on the phone and she sighed "Charlie thank god you answered, I needed your help, you know I hate sending kids to you but, I do think I need you to take the kid we found.. She's been in the hospital cabin and is still a bit rough but uh.. Charlie, she won't let any of the girls or myself around her, nor doctor Bailey. Haiden and Andrew are watching her right now.. Can you please come get her- I can't take this right now" Mary sounded genuinely stressed out.

Charlie sighed "Yeah, I'll come, any information on the history of the kid?" he asked. Met with a quiet no from Mary. So with that he hung up, and went out the front door. He walked to Mary's cabin, opening the door without knocking, He saw Mary pacing as soon as he walked in. He walked up to her and the short man patted her knee "Mary? Where's the kid?" Mary looked down "back room on this floor" she said softly. Charlie walked to the aforementioned room, Knocking softly as he opened the door, seeing Haiden Shaughnessy, Mary's only son, Holding a small child bundled up in a blanket.

Charlie waved a bit "Haiden kiddo, your mom sent me to get her" he smiled a little as Haiden handed him the sleeping kid, her head falling against Charlies chest and he laughed a bit "She's so light, and she may be shorter then Lavinia" With that Charlie took the blue haired girl back to his cabin, people tried to rush and crowd him when they saw the small, kid sized blanket bundle he was holding. He ignored them and headed to Him and Rachel's room, his wife was sitting on the bed, looking up at him with a raised eyebrow "Tell me you didn't bring another 'child' home with you Charlie" Charlie sighed once more, as he always did and just placed the still sleeping girl in a chair in the room "I did Rachel, She can't stay at Marys"

Rachel pouted "Charlie!! Why not" she was so tired of his collection of annoying teenagers. Charlie merely rolled his eyes "Shes scared of her, Mary's sweet but Kid probably has some trauma" he heard a little grumble from the chair beside him, causing both him and Rachel to look at the little girl sitting up in the chair, she wore a dirty outfit, and her blue hair fell over her mix matched eyes, only one of them seemed human. Her skin was patches of actual skin and blue fabric, crude stitches all that was keeping her together. Rachel eyed the kid who looked around pushing out words in a soft voice "Where.. Where am I?" Now that she was sitting up Charlie could see her injuries and scooped her up again "I'll explain everything once we get you cleaned up, alright deary?" The girl nodded, allowing him to carry her off and out of the room.

A while later Charlie came back with the girl, Rachel was still sitting on the bed. Charlie walked up to his wife, instructing her to hold her arms out, and when she did, He placed the tiny Zombie into her arms. For some reason the little girl immediately seemed comfortable there. Though Rachel looked at her husband almost scared "Charlie she's so tiny, Why is she so small- It's been years, I don't remember how to do this. Am i gonna hurt it-" Charlie laughed "She looks pretty happy to me, now I have to go make dinner" and he walked out, leaving Rachel holding the girl.

The zombie looked up at the blond woman with a soft smile "Hello" she said softly, and Rachel felt those motherly instincts flow back at least a little. "Hi kiddo.. I'm Rachel, I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other for a while" she smiled awkwardly as the girl in her arms smiled wider and clapped "Dat sounds good to me! I'm Zoey, You seem nice" she paused.. "Wait.. Where am I again..?" She looked into Rachels teal eyes with those scared mismatched ones of hers and Rachel couldn't take it. She softly ran her fingers through Zoeys hair, still damp from the bath Charlie'd given her. "Home.. Your home" Rachel mumbled, not sure where that had come from. Zoey smiled at her even more "Oh.. Does that mean you're my mommy now..?" She looked so hopeful that Rachel didn't even know what to say, so she just nodded.

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