Where Did This Come From (Patsy)

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Patty didn't understand how she'd gotten herself into her current situation.. a brunette girl's head against her chest. Patty was laying on her side, the other girl pulled close.. Patty didn't like women like that.. especially not this one- Pansy Bashemath was a monster! And she'd spied on Patty's most private moments! So why.. Why did having her so close feel so right...

Those thoughts had long since left Patty's mind though. Patricia Charmichael had accepted her feelings towards the cult leader and well, she was so happy she had. As Patty came back into the cabin of her and her love, she placed the laundry basket of clean clothes on the couch. Sure, doing laundry in the lake was old school but it was comforting for Patty, and so that's what she did. She sighed and brought it up the stairs to the bedroom, everything in the room was mostly black, though her girlfriend had painted green butterflies on the dark walls, the contrast was gorgeous and Patty didn't mind how it was decorated. Her own things were still in the room, like her favorite blanket on the bed, and the potted plants in the windowsills.

Patty folded and folded the laundry, putting it in the drawers of their dresser, they'd agreed the closet was exclusively for dresses and shoes. Patty finished up her chore and ran downstairs, her heels had been discarded on her personal shoe rack and replaced with slippers. She flopped onto the couch and picked up a book, she had finished her housework and now she waited for her green eyed monster to get home from her cult work. Patty waited for what seemed like forever, wishing her wife was home already. Finally though, the front door swung open and Pansy walked in, bloodied but smiling, and she only smiled more upon seeing her lover.

Patty cringed a tad at all the blood but she still got up and gently took the bloody cult leader's hands, she smiled and kissed the slightly shorter woman's cheek. Pansy smiled softly, sighing "do.. Do you mind helping me clean up..? You know- I always have a hard time showering because of my arms.." she glanced at the green veiny wounds on her body. Patty sighed, kissing her gently all over her face and led her to the bathroom, she was of course always happy to take care of her 'precious' partner.

After their shower the two girls changed into their pajamas before running down the stairs, they went to the kitchen, digging through recipes before Pansy found one, smiling happily and excitedly "Okay okay hear me out, Spaghetti and meatballs! Basic I know! But this is my dad's recipe for his homemade spaghetti sauce. I haven't had it in years!" Patty giggled at her lovers excitement and nodded "of course we can do that love, I don't mind"

The two girls cooked together every night, but it never got boring. As Patty rolled out the pasta dough she felt thin arms wrap around her waist as Pansy laid her head against the cyclops's back. They'd been married for months and Patty still wasn't used to how soft her lover could be, since Pansy's first day at the cabins the news spread like wildfire of someone 'so sick and twisted' how she'd tried to kill someone within the first five minutes of being there. Which was technically true, all of the above, and the news did warn Patty away from the girl.. but that didn't stop her from feeling some kinda way when the brunette was around.. the way the green shimmer in her hair had shined in the sun.. god Patty loved and hated her first memories of her wife.

She was ripped from the memories anyway as her wife poked her right beside her single eye, Pansy's greek accent ringing in her ears as the woman spoke "darling, I think you made the dough too thin, you're gonna have to re roll it" and she let go of Patty's waist. Patty hated when she did that, she preferred the contact with her wife. Pansy went over to the stove, stirring the pasta sauce as Patty finally put the dough she had rolled through the pasta maker. Before she cooked it though, she put some flour on her finger and walked over to her wife, putting the powder on the tip of her wife's nose, the brunette's face scrunched up tightly, causing both women to burst out giggling. Pansy gently pushed her wife away and wiped the flour with the back of her hand. The girl in the blue nightgown went closer to the other girl and took her left arm in her hands, she stared at her wife for a moment, before kissing the healed scar on her arm, Pansy giggled quietly, trying to swat her wife away with her free hand, Her wife knew she was ticklish there but she kissed it all the time anyway.

As Pansy finally pulled her arm away she rolled her green eyes and sighed "Now Patricia, Aren't you supposed to be cooking the pasta?" she raised an eyebrow snarkily. Patty blinked her single blue eye and sighed to herself "yes yes of course darling" she giggled softly as she went to do as her partner asked of her. As Patty put the noodles into the pot she thought about how confusing things had been at the start. She had never thought of herself as gay, she never thought she'd ever see a woman like that. The first time she'd met Pansy? Trainwreck. She'd seen Pansy while at the bar with her sisters, the brunette had been all dolled up with her hair up and a tight dress and well.. Patty had no clue why she felt the way she had.. Since she was pretty sure she was straight, which, update, she's not. Now Patty was aware that she wasn't the first person in the world to be unsure about their sexuality but god- a crush on a satanic cult leader. Good job Patritia. Good Fuckin' Job. Patty stared into the boiling water with a sigh.

The kitchen's pale indigo walls were painted with bright blue eyes, the realistic paintings gave her a mini heart attack walking in here at night. Pansy had painted them to represent Patty which she did of course understand. "Patty~" Pansy singsonged, Resting a head on her lover's shoulder, watching Pattys hand as she picks up the spoon to stir the pasta. Patty smiled, kissing Panys cheek "I love you Pansy" the cyclops cooed, "I love you too my sweet darling, My own gorgeous goddess~" the cultest giggled. Patty blushed, but before she could protest being called a goddess Pansy complained loudly "Now Hurry Upppppppppp!!!!!! I'm Hungry" she giggled and started to pull plates from the cabinet. Patty laughed and she heard the timer for the pasta go off, so she pulled it off the stove and brought it to the sink to strain it.

Pansy left the room and sat herself at the dining room table. Patty finished up making plates and brought them out, leaving them in the middle of the table. She then went back into the kitchen, pouring two cups of boiling water and adding tea bags and sugar for hers, none for Pansy. Pansy brought the cups and put them on the table as well, then sat down. Pansy grabbed the black mug of tea without sugar. Pansy and Patty ate dinner, the two were pretty guilty of staring into each other's eyes every few minutes. As soon as they were done eating they left their plates in the sink and Pansy dragged Patty up the stairs to their bedroom. Patty and Pansy crawled into bed, Patty making herself comfortable under the blankets while Pansy blew out the eerie anatomical heart and skull shaped candles and flipped out the light switch. She stumbled to the bed through the dark and curled up in her wife's arms, Patty holding onto Pansy protectively, kissing the top of Pansy's head, and even in the dark the girl blushed, Snuggling against the cyclops's chest and mumble a very soft "I love you Patty.. So Much" as she drifted off to sleep. and to Patty that was all she needed to sleep peacefully.

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