4 broken corpses, 4 broken hearts (Evereon Bririque)

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4 broken corpses, 4 broken hearts

(Evereon Bririque)


Briar Alfson, Evergreen Thompson, Gideon Melovic, and Enrique Melovic in the same time period/town


As the Melovic family arrived at the market, the first thing they did was send there youngest son, Gideon, to go get vegetables, and they allowed there older son, Enrique, to wander.

As Gideon stepped towards the stand and got what he needed, he heard a soft giggle behind him, his head whipped around, a small girl stood by the flower stand not far away, She had long black hair flowing past her knees, flowers tangled throughout it. A white dress reaching just above her knees, lavender lace lining the sleeves and skirt, and black boots traveled up her legs, a pair of elbow length gloves lined up her arms and matched her dress.

For some reason, all the young male could think, was how gorgeous she was, She spoke to the older woman beside her, a grandmother he presumed. Feeling like she was being watched, the pale girl turned around, both the young children's faces flushing as there eyes met, Gideon turned away, and tried to walk off and look 'Cool', but he tripped, falling and spilling his bag of potato's all over the ground.

The green eyed girl ran over to help, picking up the food with him. For a split second there hands touched as they reached for the same peace of food, But The female pulled away, not wanting to get in trouble with her grandmother.

And then a hand pulled Gideon to his feet, angrily scolding him in Spanish, Evergreen trembled. The loud yelling reminding her of the life she recently left behind.

The Woman offered her hand to Evergreen, helping her off the floor carefully. With a sickly sweet smile the woman quickly spoke to the girl "I apologize that my son was bothering you miss- actually I don't believe I've seen you before"

Evergreen smirked, the grin on her face dark, she was clearly planning something "Oh I'm sorry miss, Your son did no harm, and by the way, You've got your little stick of sage poking out of your bag, this town frowns upon witches, might wanna fix that, and by the way~ My names Evergreen, Bitch." Her thick Russian accent drowning her words, clear proof she wasn't great at speaking English just yet.

Gideon felt his heart skip as the gorgeous female told his mother off, he thought it was amazing. The woman glared at Evergreen, eye twitching "Putita" she growled, dragging Gideon away. So the small female returned to her grandmother at the flower stand.


On the other side of the market a blond girl sat at her own stand, her knees curled against her chest, eyes sunk into her head from lack of sleep.

Her little painting stand was the only way her aunt and her could make money. She saw a tall boy walk by, Light brown hair and eyes so brown they practically appeared a purple pink sorta color.

Briar looked at the boy as he stopped and looked through the paintings, before glancing at her, he paused, just looking at her. "You did these?" The boy asked her. Her blue eyes trailed away from him as she nodded "Y-ye-yes si-sir" her broken Swedish accent strong.

The boy looked her up and down "meet me in the clearing in the woods at midnight tonight" he smirked. The male then dropped some coins on the table before takeing a painting, and Leaving.


Not long after the boys had left the market, the small black haired girl Gideon met had ran to See Briar, grabbing her sickly friends hands and smiling. "Bri You'll never believed it!" She squealed, Russian accent strong in excitement.

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