Broken Dreams (Domille)

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Camille Antoinnette smiled up at the brown haired male holding her... Dominic Presley he curled his body around hers, kissing her cheek, the two laid down on there bed. Their two daughters laying with them. A three year old named Marnie and a 12 year old named Carol, the French princess smiled once more as she fell asleep.

Camille woke up, the familiar stone walls of the castle surrounded her once again, still in her gown from her cousins party the night before, her corset tight on her waist. The princess sighed, it was a dream, of course it was, the oddly dressed boy with the bruised face was always a dream, no matter how many times she dreamed it. Probably her imagination making up a better fiancé then her real one, she almost wished she could meet the male from her dreams, but of course, it wasn't allowed... plus he probably didn't exist anyway, I'd he did she knew she'd never meet him, at least... not in this lifetime.

She heard a knock as her door creaked open quietly as her butler peaked into the room "Miss Camille your mother requested you to come to breakfast- oh you still have on your gown, Should I send in some help to change?"

Camille sighed "you know how they treat me" she looked down. The man nodded "would you like my help in that case?"

Cam nodded "please..."

After The butler helped Camille change into a different dress he sighed "miss Antoinnette your ribs are going to hurt crack if you fall asleep in your Corset again"

She blinked "There gonna break anyway, those things are torture" she muttered. The man snorted "that's true"

Later that night after she was changed into her nightgown by the people who worked for her family. She curled into a small ball on her bed. Her eyes fluttered open not long after they closed, once again she woke up in bed with the familiar male. The smell of fresh cookies and blood filled her nose and she smiled, nuzzling up against him happily. "Good morning princess" the brown haired male softly muttered, kissing her lips gently.

Camille blushed deeply and smiled, attempting to speak, but for some reason it felt the words caught in her through, pain jolting through it, her hand started to go towards her neck but Dominic held her hand in his own "don't pick at it baby"

Camille jolted out of bed when she heard a scream "CAMILLE WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" She heard her mother yelled, "there attacking, we have to hide somewhere"

Camille spend the last few days of her shortly cut life wondering exactly what the man in her dreams meant when he hold her not to pick at her neck, wondering who the male was, and wondering why he dressed so odd.

(Ok ok here ya go, also like, anyone else wonder if like in this au dominic had dreams with Camille in them when he was alive, even when he was with his girlfriend ;) lol Dominic waking up every morning sad that the girl in his dreams isn't real and who she was, just like how Camille wanted to know who he was and if he was real)

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