I wish I couldve saved her (Silvinia)

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Lavinia was driving, Siren singing loudly next to her, she looked at her girlfriend and laughed "You having fun already little fairy" she smiled. Siren nodded, leaning over the middle to kiss Lavinia on the cheek. Both girls were giggling excited for their date, Siren looked out her window "Is that Ribs?" She exclaimed "he looks drunk" Ribs was swerving all around the road "Ugh this dumbass" Lavinia grunted continuing to drive until it happened. Bam! Both cars crashed and spun around the road. "Siren!" Lavinia called "Siren, are you ok" She went into a panic, Siren, right next to her was lying unconscious blood dripping from her face

Lavinia began searching frantically for her phone. Once she found it her first instinct was to call Dierdre who was always at the house. "H-hello" Lavinia stammered "Dierdre?" "Lavinia, hi, do you need something? I thought you and Siren were on a date?" "Dierdre, Dierdre! I need you to come to highway 4-85, w-we crashed" Lavinia was panicking. "Oh God, don't worry Lavinia I'm on my way right now" Dierdre grabbed the first aid kit and ran out the door to get Lavinia and Siren.

At the scene Lavinia, who was crushed beneath the steering wheel was leaning as far as she could towards Siren, trying to check her pulse, there was one. Thank god, and she leaned over more, kissing Sirens cheek, and then grabbing her hand "your gonna be ok Fairy.... I swear" she whispered. "Lavinia!" Dierdre screeched "Oh dear are you two ok, wait is that Ribs over there. What's happening!?"

Lavinia glared at Ribs car "that B I T C H is the reason this happened... he hit us, and now" she glanced at Siren, tears forming in her right eye. "Hold on let me get you two out" Dierdre said opening the car door and helped Lavinia out then moving over to get Siren. "Please... Careful... don't hurt her..." Lavinia muttered, rubbing the exposed done on the left side of her neck. "Don't worry Lavinia she'll be ok"

The woman was holding Siren in her arms tending to her wounds "Lavinia" she questioned "Do you have any open cuts or anything serious?" Lavinia shook her head "I don't really get injured like that, I'm mostly just bone, so I'm fine... but I think Siren hit her head, and there was glass in her shoulder..." she replied. Dierdre sighed "Can you drag Ribs over here as well, I'm gonna call 911" she said pulling out her phone.

Lavinia gave her a look like she was stupid "yeah, call 911, for a skeleton and a pop star who died in 2017 S M A R T. No. I'll call nurse Ann, since it's her job to help people like us who can't go to hospitals" she growled. "Lavinia I didn't mean for Ribs I can just stick his bones back together, I meant for Siren but nurse Ann is a better idea"

"Ribs should stay fucking dead" she growled, whipping out her phone and calling Ann, And moments later A black car pulled up, and The red headed nurse opened the door "What the hell where you idiots doing" she sighed "get Siren in the car" she rolled her eyes. "Ann we need the gorilla glue again for Ribs" Dierdre almost laughed but thought better of it.

Ann thew the glue to Dierdre as Lavinia placed Siren in the van, Ann noticed how worried Lavinia was and gave her a pat on the back "Look, Siren should be fine, the injuries are Minor, Alright?" She said, before looking at the candy corn queen "Hey, Dierdre, Take care of Lavinia, keep her calm, and I'll take Siren" she sighed, before closing the door and the car drove off.

Lavinia sat on the ground, middle of the road, crying. Dierdre sweeped Lavinia up in her arms and dragged Ribs behind her placing both of them in the car and started to drive home trying her best to comfort Lavinia while Ribs sat broken in the back seat.

Lavinia looked out the window, silent, fiddling with the bracelet in her hand, Sirens, it had fallen off during the crash. She missed her girlfriend already, and god, she was worried, so fucking worried. "It's my fault" she mummered. Dierdre flashed a soft look at Lavinia reaching her hand out to hold Lavinia's "no its not dear, it's the drunk idiot in the backs fault"

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