Hold Me (Jelly)

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(A really short shippy fluff)

Jessica laid in her room, the ceiling practically spinning to the poor girl, trying to hard to ignore the things she was hearing. She didn't want to wake up the girl beside her.

Jessica smiled to herself when she finally trailed her thoughts to the girl, Molly Johnson, her brown hair, random streaks of it dyed blue, crystal blue eyes, her pale skin, soft despite the rough stitches and large cuts on her body.

Snapped back to reality by the feeling of someone tugging at her pajama shirt, Jessie turned over in bed, her girlfriend slowly wrapped her arms around her, a smile on her face "You Ok Lovie? I was trying to get your attention for a while"

Jessica sighed "yeah don't worry about me Molly"

Molly almost looked offended at the comment "don't worry about you?" She scoffed "I'm your girlfriend. It's my J O B to worry about you Jessica!"

Jessie blushed and pulled her close to her chest "Thanks Molly.... I love you"

Molly giggled "of course you do silly"

"Oh shut up and just sleep"

"No~" the older female cooed, Making Jessica blush "stop molly-"

The blue haired girl laughed harder "your no fun baby" she kissed Jessica's cheek and cuddled against her chest. "Night Lovie" her British accent laced over the words, making them a bit hard for her lover to understand. "Night Candy"

The two girls fell asleep cuddled together quietly, small smiles gracing there faces.

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