You Didn't Kill Her (Bririque)

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A blonde girl stared down at the corpse with a sick glimmer in her blue eye. She wiped her hands off on her white dress. The dark red smears made her giggle as she kicked the vine covered body into a ditch. She knew her fingerprints were all over the dead man but she didn't give a shit, she's been dead so long that her fingerprints were never in the system anyway, so why would it make a difference, oh right, it doesn't. Out of nowhere she felt a little sick, her head spun and the roses on her body hissed in pain, the vines tightened around her a bit, making her bleed from the thorns. She knew that meant someone had cut the ones on the wall in her and Enriques cabin. She tried to regain balance while the voices in her head yelled "IF YOU CAN'T FIX THIS BRIAR WE'LL KILL YOU" the roses screamed so loudly she could barely think straight "shut up" she hissed violently, while she stumbled to her cabin.

She opened the door slowly and her breath caught in her throat, the room was a disaster, and she had to hold back the urge to feel sick just seeing that. She saw the scratched walls and torn roses long before she saw him, But then. That's where her eyes landed. Right on him, she looked down as quickly as she could, knowing not to stare. She held in her flood of panic and slowly backed up, closing the door as quietly as she could. She walked away from the cabin carefully and once she could tell it was safe.. The monster.. Her love... wasn't following her, she bolted towards a much Larger cabin. She banged on the door until Charlie answered the door, he had a confused look upon his face, which turned to worry as soon as he saw the fear in her eyes. Briar didn't give him time to even think about saying a word before she spat out her own "Tell Jake it's a 911. He can explain" and without another word she bolted back into the woods, in the opposite direction of where she came from.

Briar ran deep into the woods till she reached a cliff, she ran down the hidden, overgrown, and steep stairway to the bottom. She got down, crawling under the thorn covered bushes, being at this cliff again was so scary to her.. But she knew that's why it was the safest place, so she curled into a tiny ball amidst the bushes. She didn't know how long she'd been there but after what felt like years of day and night switches, she heard the familiar voice of Bethany Lovelock at the edge of the field of bushes. "Hey.. Briar? I know you're in there somewhere, Easton sent me.. I have food..." Briar crawled out from under the bushes and Beth's empty eyes sockets went wide. "Holy- You look awful- God I wish I could take you home already.. But.. here" she handed a plate to Briar, who took it thankfully, happy to eat again. When Briar finished eating she looked at Beth, who'd seated herself beside her. "How is he..?" the blond's voice came out barely a whisper. Beth sighed "they're dealing with it.." Briar looked down again "alright.." she said softly. Bethany stood up and sighed "I guess you should head back to hiding.. Here" she handed a blanket to Briar, and the girl nodded and took the purple blanket with her into the bush.. And wrapped up in the blanket was one of Enrique's favorite button up shirts.

Briar laid there on that blanket for.. A while, that damn shirt held close to her heart, she didn't even care what the roses said to her at that moment... She knew one of the reasons Enrique hadn't gone out the past 2 months was because she'd been in the hospital cabin, he'd been staying with her instead.. That was her last thought as she closed her eye to sleep. Briar woke up occasionally, feeling nauseous and guilty, then she'd just fall back asleep. Beth brought her food once every 2 weeks.. She didn't wanna bring attention to Briars hiding spot any more often than that. One day though, she heard a different voice coming down the hill.. A deep Scottish voice.. Charlie. She stayed still till he reached the edge of the bushes, then she slowly came out, he looked shocked to see her, but he quietly knelt down to her level "Briar.. You can come home now but... I think you'll have to recover before we progress further than that.." He was careful when he helped her up, so he helped her back her up from the cliff.

Briar didn't know when she'd passed out, but she woke up in her bed... her and Eni's bed.. she was hooked to machines, and a tube hooked to a small hole in her stomach.. she was on a feeding tube, and a heart monitor.. She'd been out a while. She knew not to get up so she waited till someone came in, and there came Evergreen Thompson, who beamed when she saw Briar awake. "Oh Bri! You're up! Morning sunshine, you've been asleep for 3 weeks" She sat next to her sister and started just chatting away "you were gone overall for one month, Enrique is recovering and you can go see him as soon as you're better. You both gave Charlie a mighty scare.. And Uh Bri- You need a shower, you're covered in dirt and blood. Ew."

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