Always Here To Help

17 1 41

Jeremy in Callie time period, this is an alternative fate for Callie btw for the end drama

Sunshine Rainbow Walker sat in class, a boy walked in, almost 40 minutes late. He had ginger hair and was in a skirt and sweater, he looked miserable as he sat down next to Callie uncomfortably fiddling with the ribbon on his neck.

Callie sighed raising her hand, when the teacher called on her she smiled "Mr Ranger, me and Jeremy need to be excused" despite the smile a threatening tone creeped into the voice and then teacher nodded "o-of cou-course miss Walker..."

The girl stood up, dragging Her friend to her locker and pulling out an old outfit of her brothers. "Cmon You can change into these" she smiled softly. "Thanks BunBun" the male smiled.

He scooped up Callie and carried her towards the bathroom, Callie smiled "you can put me down" she giggled. He laughed and nodded, walking into a stall to change. Callie leaned on the door, just talking "hey Jer"

The tall boy peaked over the stall door "yeah?"

"Can you come over after school?"

"Mom would kill me... sure!"

The girl bursted into laughter. "Perfect! We can go to the mall so I'll have something to bring you besides Alexander's old clothes.. Omg you should spend the night!!!"

He chuckled "sure Cal"

Callie continued to talk about plans for the night before the the stepped out of the gappy blue door. Callie clapped, jumping up and down happily. "You look amazing in that outfit!! Let me retie the tie, and then I'll take out that stupid ponytail in your hair" she smiled softly.

He chuckled at her childish reaction but merely nodded, glancing at the watch now on his wrist , looking down at the girl tightening the fabric around his neck "Cal we're gonna be late to lunch, and I almost missed second period, and purely missed first since mom dropped me off late. I don't want to have to re-take the grade."

The girl lightly glanced at him, a sad look in her eyes before going back to work on the tie "in a few weeks it won't matter anymore, tomorrows the big dance... heard Presleys little girlfriends been cheating, serves the Asshole right"

Jeremy grabbed her shoulders, forcing her to look at him "Sunshine Rainbow Walker. Now answer this straight. What do you mean won't matter anymore"

Callie giggled, something edged into the laughter that he couldn't place "don't worry about it Jeremy... you'll see in due time... they'll all see in due time... that's what he told me... I can make them pay" the small girl rambled more. Jeremy snapped in her eyes "Callie... you ok Bun?"

The female laughed "Yeah yeah of course, just, daydreaming, taking to myself, you know? It happens"

Jeremy nodded hesitantly as they walked to the lunch room, his hair no longer in a ponytail and the male finally wore a nice outfit, a pair of black jeans, chains on the belt loops, and a white t shirt. Callie smiled at him, adjusting her leather jacket "now we look like badass besties" she snorted. Her tattoos obvious in her current outfit, she paused holding her arm out to stop the boy walking with her.

They heard crying, and a voice neither of the children wanted to hear. Callie turned to her friend "it's Dominic" her voice lowered. Jeremy bit his lip, trying to think of what to do.

Callie sighed "sounds like he's targeting someone else, hopefully we can slip past him" she nervously clutched Jeremy's hand. Jeremy nodded as they walked, starting to get past but the bully turned on his heel, a smile spreading on his Face, he stepped between the two kids, draping his arms over there shoulders.

"Heyyyy if it isn't the freak show!" He snarked. Callie flinched, pulling at her jacket. Dominic continued his taunting "The Man Girl and the wanna be badass nerd"

Jeremy mumbled something under his breath, reaching towards Callie, grabbing her hand and bolting towards the lunch room and away from the other boy.


The next morning Callie woke up, smiling when she realized that Jeremy was holding her, he was truly her best friend (her only friend) so she loved when he got to stay over.

The two planned to skip school, not going until the dance later that night. Callie simply cuddled closer to him, his arms tightening around her and she fell back asleep.


Callie slipped a short white dress over her head. Jeremy glanced over when she finished "you look cute like that" he smiled.

She laughed, "just bottom your damn shirt" she laughed more. He chuckled "what if I don't" he was clearly joking, the male wouldn't walk around with his shirt unbuttoned because you could see His scars if he did. Callie was clearly used to seeing them, but it was fine.

The two heard a huge smash from the room next door and ran in, Andrew was having a fit, Cypris sitting cross legged on the bed flipping through a magazine. "Hey Kids" she smiled, acting as if her boyfriend wasn't having a fit over another girl and that girl's boyfriend.

Callie gave a sympathetic smile "Sorry Cyp, you gonna get ready for the dance?"

"Apparently since he's not going I can't, because he doesn't want me out around other guys in my nice outfit, you look super cute though Sunflower, make sure to tell Dick I said hi" Cypris sighed.

Callie snorted "His name is Dylan, where the hell did you get dick from" she seemed so disappointed. Jeremy blinked tugged off the elbow high white gloves that went with her dress, the clear bruises on her wrists "I wonder where that came from" he sighed.


Three weeks later, after the huge drama of the School dance, Jeremy showed up to class early, he was confused to why he never saw Callie in class, she'd never missed a day unless she was skipping with him.

He figured she must have been sick cause he knew Cypris was at home with the flu.

A loud bang rang through the halls, the teacher mumbled something, a few first row kiss heard him say 'it's happening, I never thought they'd actually start this'.

He stood up straight "intruder, not a drill you know what to do"

As the kids gathered in the corner they heard more and more and more gun shots.


After they got the ok the groups went into the hall, Jeremy Harris's eyes Landed on the black haired girl in front of him, her body was limp and a gun wound was clear from her chest.

He ran towards her, dropping to his knees, ignoring cops telling him to stay away, he held Callie's body close. His eyes tearing up. "Idiot bean..."

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