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(TW: Manipulation, Slightly Abusive, & Unhealthy relationship, But I mean, Ash practically asked for this *shrug* after this expect a similar one with Silvinia)

Blair sighed, sitting in her and Zanathas room, they had been together for as long as Blair can remember, which with her shitty memory, doesn't feel like all that long, at first of course everything was fine. They where happy, always, the two where so close and loved each other so much... but..... It was all fake...

Blair's love for Zanatha was real, but Zanathas feelings for her 'puppy' where not, and they never had been. Zanatha figured Blair could be useful for a while, being a pretty powerful spirit, but once she got what she needed, Zanatha planed to leave the girl.

Zanatha opened the door, clearly in one of her rage fits, so Blair stayed quiet, continuing to brush her blond hair, she'd say hello to her girlfriend when she calmed down. Zanatha was angrily complaining about one of the other pastas, Ribs, Blair sighed, getting up and walking over to her "Hey Z it's ok-" she started, Zanatha, still pissed, accidentally hit Blair, Hard across the cheek.

Tears filled Blair's eyes as she quickly backed away from the angry gypsy. The small girl started crying, refusing to look at Zanatha, who was practically laughing now. "You absolute crybaby" she snorted "Grow up will ya?!" She kept laughing. Blair was confused, why was Zanatha laughing at her? Weren't they supposed to care for each other "B-but.." she started, cut off by Zanatha "But what! Wait wait wait did you think" she laughed harder "you think I actually love you?! YOU! Your a weak crybaby I don't give two shits about you" the burnt skin girl chuckled. They heard giggling from behind the door, Siren and Lavinia were watching the whole thing of course.

"Poor little Blair, thinking Zantha cared about her" Lavinia snickered. "How sad" Siren nodded. Blair's tears where running fast as she turned away from the other three, before gathering herself and pushing past Lavinia and Siren to get out the door.

Blair ran to another house, Mary and Ninas, she pushed through the door "I NEED AUDREY!" She yelled. Nina glanced over, and Mary popped up form next to her, her eyes completely black instead the usual white, meaning, it was Audrey. "What's up kid" she grinned.

"Kill me" Blair busted out bluntly. Audrey grinned sadisticly "oh gladly!" She said as she pulled her hatchet out from behind the couch "but let's do it outside, don't wanna make a mess"

Blair nodded and walked outside with Audrey, who pushed her against a tree, only to cut her and the tree in half. Zanatha millers walked up behind them with a sigh "a damn waste of power" she muttered.

3 months later, Zanatha Millers sat neatly on the edge of the cemetery, when she heard giggling behind her. She felt someone kneel down behind her, she turned around quickly, but no one was there, she turned back forward and sighed. Then she heard a soft voice whisper in her ear "Its our fault y'know" it sounded familiar. Zanatha turned around, all she saw, was in the dark woods, a small pink blur sitting up in a tree, hanging upside down, and disgustingly mocking smile looking down at her.

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