Together again

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Human AU + Raymond Jessica sibling AU

Jessica and Raymond McGregory laid together on the floor next to each other, 6 and 5 years old. The date was April 17th 2006, the day before Jessica was supposed to move to California with there aunt, supposed to go become a star, just like she wanted... or what she thought she wanted.

"Hurry up Gamma!! You gotsta put on ze movie!" The older girl called, snuggling up to her younger brothers side. "Alright I'm hurrying I'm hurrying" there grandmother laughed "Monster High or Charlie and the chocolate factory?"

"Monster high!" The boy called. "Nono Charlie Choco factry" The smaller girl argued. The older boy sighed as he braided her hair "Alwight J-J win again"

There grandma smiled and turned on the movie. "You know Veruca is pretty" Raymond mumbled. Jessie giggled "You gotta find a rich Russian girl then baby bro"

He snorted "I shall try my bestest!!" He rolled over onto of her. The two kids ended up falling asleep cuddled together while the movie played.


The next morning Jessica found herself violently shaken awake, a mildly familiar voice practically yelling "get the fuck up Jessica, that or I'm leaving you here" she growled. The brunette rolled herself over, and fumbled out of bed.

Walking downstairs Raymond tackled her "You can't not talk to me after you get popular and famous J-J!"

"I know Ray Ray! I love you and I'll call you as soon as I get to Aunty Peppers house! I promise"

The two siblings parted, promising to keep in touch, no matter how long they where apart.


The young Lee glanced at her phone, she was 14 years old, and she just watched it ring, her younger brothers name on the screen, continuing to thrown her clothes into a backpack before walking downstairs of the large house she shared with the actor who's raised her since her aunt was arrested.

Kenneth Davis placed his bags in the car as Jessica ran downstairs, hugging him "Thanks so much for taking me on this trip Pappa" she laughed. The man smiled softly "of course kiddo, You said you haven't spoken to your brother in 7 years, and you want to surprise him for his birthday"

Jess nodded "I've had no time to call him, or text him and so I feel horrible... and I really miss him..." she admitted, quickly getting the older males arms wrapped around her. "H-hey it's ok Jessie"


The sports car pulled into the driveway of the run down house, as Jess got out she was tackled by a large, old, St. Bernard dog. "Vanny" the young actress giggled, hugging the large dog that she was half the size of.

Kenneth helped Jessie off the ground as he grabbed there things, And the brunette crouched in the bush as The older man knocked on the door.

The McGregory grandmother opened the door, looking the man up and down, "I-im sorry... did I- did my family forget to pay taxes or-"

The suited man laughed, "no no, I just need to see Raymond" he smiled softly.  The woman looked down "alright..." she walked inside, coming back with the small boy.

"Happy birthday Kid" Kennie smiled "I have a surprise for you" as he said this Jessica walked over "Hey little brother" the girl smiled, tackled by the red head "your ok! Your here! I missed you so much!"

The girl smiled "I missed you too"

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