Never Splitting Up (Domille)

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Cam in Dominic's time line

Dominic and Camille met in kindergarten and Neither of them could ever forget how it happened...

It was the first day, and Cam had been sitting with another Boy, Alexander Walker, the two where sharing a coloring book, when all of a sudden the young boy had punched her. Camille, as she always did, started crying.

Dominic thought about the books his sister liked and he choose to run to Camille and scoop her up, like a hero in the books, though, he was only five, and was kind of half dragging Camille instead... but he successfully got her to were he had been sitting, almost hiding behind the classroom dollhouse.

Camille looked up at him before smiling "Chu save me" she grinned as she hugged him close. He nodded "My name is Dominic!" He said. Camille only smiled wider "You gonna be my Nicky!" She giggled.

The male agreed quickly and the two toddlers quickly decided to play with the Barbie dolls in the dollhouse, Dominic occasionally complaining that they where for girls, but he was really enjoying the game.

And since that day the two where inseparable, and they had the picture of 5 year old Dominic and Camille sharing a blanket while coloring, Camille sporting her black eye with a huge smile.


November 12th 1974, Dominic Presleys 9th birthday. He choose to spend it with his best friend Camille Antoinette, the two had been best friends as long as they could remember.

Now Camille sat on the swing set in her yard, her legs kicking back and forth, swinging up higher. Dominic laid on the grass next to the swing, occasionally sparring a glance at his giggling friend, his eyes almost always landing on the scar above her eye from where she'd been hit on the day they met, but he merely smiled at her laughter.

Till Camilles mom popped her head out the back door "Cmon in kiddos, Dinners done" the woman give a kind smile, which turned to worry as Camille jumped off the swing, landing wonky and falling, rolling a bit, but she kept giggling, standing up and brushing off her grass stained white dress.

Dominic and Elaina (Camilles mum) both noticed the pale girls small limp after the tumble, but neither said a word. Dominic pushed himself off the ground and ran to catch up with Camille, them interlocking arms and smiling huge at each other.

As the two ate dinner they joked around and talked about everything, Camilles parents joining in occasionally. Then they made huge bowls of ice cream and ran to get settled in-front of the tv to watch Gillian's Island.

This was probably there favorite show and they always ate dinner at Camilles so they could watch it together on days they aired it.

As Camilles parents surrendered to upstairs for bed, Dominic cuddled closer to her, noticing her barley picking at her ice cream "Hey Cam you alright?" The boy asked. Camille looked up at him for a second "Nicky? Can you promise me something?"

The boy nodded "whatever you need to hear" he said, leaning against her. "We're gonna be friends forever right?" She asked him. To which he could only crack a dorky smile "I promise. It's just gonna be us against the world forever" he assured her.

With that, the two cuddled close, watched there show, and ate there ice cream. They did fall asleep eventually, cuddled together on the living room floor.


A now 18 year old Camille laid on her friends bed, throwing darts at a black and white picture pinned to the wall.

Sunshine Walker sat against the headboard watching her "so there officially together and shit?" The dyed black haired girl grimaced. Camille nodded "I mean he mentioned he liked her but it's absolutely disgusting" she complained.

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