No One Can Hurt You Now (Jerthena)

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No One Can hurt You Now (Jerthena)

Jeremy and Athena hadn't seen each other all day, Athena was booked with Missions and Jeremy had just been Helping Callie with chores. He'd tried to say Hi to Athena when she came home to grab lunch, but she had taken an apple and ran to keep on schedule.

So here he was, helping Callie dust the library book shelves. "Almost time for the fireworks" Callie smiled. Her brother nodded "Yeah, I hope Athena will be back on time"

Callie glanced at him "Yeah. Charlie hates us being out alone after dark" she replied in a flat tone. Jeremy nodded, forgetting that Callie, who was once Athena's best friend, had grown to hate the tall pirate.

He sighed and kept cleaning, but turned to Callie "Hey Bun?" He questioned. Callie nodded "what's up J?"

He smirked "I bet we're gunna see some funny ass reactions from some of these losers to the booms of the fireworks" he chuckled.

Callie nodded, focusing a bit more on cleaning. Jeremy looked away, cleaning the shelf once more. Till he heard a thump, and saw that Callie had clocked out on the couch. He rolled his eyes and threw a blanket over his little sister quickly, before walking out of the room.


The fireworks where soon to start, and everyone was sitting in the grass, or on blankets. Athena showed up right in time, noticing there was no spot next to Jeremy, as she was walking she made sure she stomped on Blair's stuffed bear Benny, which cause Blair to cry out.

Of course course the female terrorizing Blair, caused Zanatha to be angry, and she threw a small flame at the back of Athena's leg, The Pirate barley flinching when her tights caught fire. And when she walked past Connie she felt water splash her leg, and the fire was out, Connie had formed a bubble of water in her hand to douse the fire.

Athena mumbled a small thank you to the blonde, and with that the black haired girl decided, if she couldn't sit next to Jeremy, she'd sit in his lap. Which is exactly what she did.

Jeremy was taken aback by Athena choosing to sit in his lap, but he figured it was because Callie was on one side of him, and Zoey on the other. Zoey glanced over and giggled, while Callie gave him a scowl. Jeremy nudged Zoey quickly "Hey Zo, Run off and sit with Rachel, Charlie, Clyde, and Nightshade, alright?" He always tried to be careful around Zoey, knowing how much trouble he'd get into if he made the wrong move around her.

Luckily Zoey nodded and dashed off to sit in her moms lap, Rachel holding the baby close to her chest without a second thought. Athena stood up to take the spot where Zoey had once been, which is when Jeremy noticed the burn on the back of her leg, he started to say something which earned him a Look of 'say something and I'm leaving' so he kept his mouth shut about the injury.

Athena snuggled up next to him as the fireworks started, his gaze shot to Jezabelle, who started crying into Holidays shoulder at the first explosion.

Dominic winced at every shot, which made Callie and Jeremy burst into laughter... Then Jeremy felt something at his side trembling, and cold tears leaked through his sweater... Athena was upset...


Jeremy had grabbed Athena and brought her upstairs to there room the moment he felt her tears in his shoulder. He laid her down, and gently helped her change out of her bloody dress, and into her pajama shorts and one of his oversized sweaters.

She was still crying, barley able to look at him, she was unresponsive to anything he said. She was breathing hard and fast, he placed a hand to her wrist to feel her pulse, her heart beat was uneven. He recognized what this was, she was having a panic attack, his mind raced to think of a cause... till he remembered her death, a canon ball... the fireworks...

He slowly edged down next to Athena, reaching his hand to hers, gripping her hand carefully. "It's alright Baby... my cutie cookie... I'm here..."

Without a word the girl neared him and she cried so much harder. Jeremy just held her, everything ached at the sight of Athena so fragile. He told himself he was going to help her. He wasn't going to break that.


Jeremy had held Athena till she started to breath again. Her head in the crook of his neck she yawned a bit. Muttering something about being tired.

Jeremy looked down at her with a soft smile "do you want to go to sleep then darling?" He questioned with a loving tone in his voice, for someone who was always so hardcore he felt soft with her.

Athena nodded slightly, she reached up slowly and held his face "Your not in pajamas darling" she sputtered out in a weak voice and he stared at her "should I change then?" He seemed confused as she nodded, so he stepped out of the room and changed in the bathroom.

When he came back Athena had pulled herself up and into her own cot in the corner of the room. Jeremy, In the fluffiest pjs he could find, walked over and scooped her up, taking her to his bed and laying her down. He wasn't gonna listen to her arguments cause he knew she wanted to be held.

He was right, cause once he climbed into bed and got under the covers, Athena snuggled so closely to his chest he thought she would suffocate, but he felt her breathing, so he let her stay where she was, and finally... it evened out, and she fell asleep.

Jeremy stayed awake a little longer, wiping the drying tears from her face, before he allowed himself to sleep. Once he'd monitored her long enough he felt she was safe, he slipped into sleep, with Athena still tight to his chest.


Athena woke the next morning, her face buried in something soft, at first she thought it was a pillow but the realization hit her hard that it was Jeremy's chest, and she blushed, carefully trying to wriggle from his arms without waking him up, but he only held her tighter in his sleep.

Athena sighed, leaning into his chest as she waited, waited for him to wake. He did soon, He looked at her with a proud smile "Good morning My Treasure" he grinned. She softened "Morning Muffin" she shot back, sitting up finally.

He nodded, "you feeling better?" He asked, running his hand through her hair. Athena nodded with a bright smile before kissing him quickly. Jeremy stood up, grabbing his clothes for the day, and quickly changing. Athena looked away the whole time he changed.

Jeremy finished and then helped her out of bed, she was still shaking on her feet, so he sat her back down and grabbed her dress, he sunk into the bed and helped her change from her pajamas to her dress. Then he sat behind her, pulling her dark hair into a ponytail, careful to avoid the thorns he knew she had in her hair.

Athena blushed and grunted as he pulled her onto his back, bringing her downstairs. Charlie looked up from his breakfast "morning kids" he sighed a bit. Wyatt let out a snort "you screw her so hard she can't walk?" He joked. Absolutely loving to piss people off.

Jeremy practically growled at him "she's recovering from a bad... health lapse" he said, bending the truth enough to protect her privacy as he carefully sat her in a chair, walking to get them both some cereal. As always he went for the most sugary chocolatey thing he could, adding chocolate milk to the cereal instead of plain. 

He placed it on the table, then went back to grab a bowl of cinnamon cereal, plain milk with vanilla extract added, same way she would've made it herself if she was allowed. He handed her the bowl and a glass of orange juice, before he sat next to her. She turned and kissed his cheek quickly, mumbling out a quick 'thank you darling'

And with that the two quietly sat and ate there breakfast, enjoying being together, watching as other people came in and went out of the room, sat down and got up from the table. Yet they stayed put, holding hands as they ate.

Two happy lovers, eating there breakfast together, and taking there time with it, they had a long time to be together, why not use it.

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