Can You Remember Me?/Just Wake Up

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Some angst/fluff with Callie Jeremy and Blair Zanatha

(I apologize my southern gets hella strong in Jeremy near the end for some reason)


Jeremy Harris and Zanatha Millers sat and watched helplessly as Mary and Charlie argued over weather or not the two could go into the rooms.

"They clearly care about the girls Charlie" Mary started.

"They caused this whole mess Mary"

"Not intentionally!! If they go in and make things worse then we'll get them out"

"How can they make anything worse, our daughters are unconscious Vandelle, I've been a parent a lot longer then you and I think we should keep those two away from the girls till they wake up at least!"

Jeremy was just about tired of hearing these two argue and he stood up "What the fuck even happened to them, all we where is told is that they where hurt." He growled towards the blond parents.

Mary ceased her yelling looking down, her listless white eyes scanning the wooden floor "it's um..." she could feel everyone's eyes watching her, and feel herself get extremely nervous... which was never a good thing. The poor woman fainted from the pressure of it, moments later she stood, brushing off her now dirty skirt, eyes fully black "what was that cockroach talking about to freak her out so damn bad" the female asked, looking at Charlie.

Charlie looked at her "o-oh Audrey... well Mary was telling the kids what happened to the other two"

"Drama?" the blond woman arched her eyebrow  the bloody cuts on her eye stretching and stinging. "Do continue on little man" she laughed.

The man sighed "after the fight you all had, Blair and Callie left, they where in the car and got hit off the road by an 18-wheeler.... There both unconscious and took some serious head trauma" the smaller man squeaked out.

Audrey couldn't help but bust out laughing, no one could blame the girl for being a sociopath. Jeremy looked at the short male "which room" the boy growled, his eye showed just how pissed he really was. Zanathas eyelids twitched "yeah we're gonna need room numbers. Now."

Charlie took a deep breath and looked up at the taller children "As I was telling Mary, I believe we should wait till they at least wake up before sending you two in"

Jeremy rolled his sea-glass colored eye "look. You tell us where they are or we're finding them ourselves" the boy was absolutely done with everyone's shit, as he picked at his burnt fingers, peeling skin off them.

Zanatha nodded, for her it was off brand to stick up against Charlie, but not being there for Blair was even more off brand.

The blond sighed and points down the hall to the two rooms on the end "there" he barley finished the word and the two where already off.

"Ha. Letting kids guilt trip you Charlie, you're getting weak my friend" Audrey snickered. "Oh shut it Audrey" the man grumbled. "You know I can't tell them no when they get like that" he sighed once more as the taller woman knelt next to him "you'll have to get better at that, Because otherwise you'll get yourself in trouble" she stood up, "I have some people to kill, good luck Char"

"Yeah, thanks, have fun"


Zanatha pushed the door of the room open slowly, her heart stopped as she saw The small blond attached to the machines before her. Zanatha slowly walked towards the bed, sitting in the chair next to it, the gypsy reached forward, holding the young woods hand tightly. "Oh my god" she muttered, eyeing the bandages covering her lover.

Once again the door creaked and a woman with brown hair walked in, the tips dyed a bright pink, which contrasted against the black and gray of her dress "Hello Deary, I assume your Blair's partner or Friend, correct?"

Zanatha nodded "yeah... and your the nurse?"

The other woman shook her head "no, just helping out my wife, but I do have the results from Blair's exam" she said, brushing her bangs from her eyes. Zanatha looked over the damaged female and back to Evelyn "So... is it bad news..."

The councilor sighed "you could say that..." she mumbled. "Your terrible at your job, what the fuck does the damn paper say" Zanatha growled.

Evelyn blinked twice, restraining her anger activated power as best she could. "Miss woods is in a coma, a damn deep one too, so have fucking fun with that" she snapped, turning on her heel and walking out. If this had been literally any other scenario the burnt child would've laughed at the anger on the other woman, but the news of Blair's condition hit her too hard, and she just stared down at the checkered flooring. Her hand subconsciously held even tighter, as if that could keep Blair on earth.

"Your going to wake up Puppy.. you just have to..."


When Jeremy Harris walked into the neighboring room he saw Cypris asleep in a chair next to the bed, Callie's pale figure slowly sat up to look at him "H-Hello?" She mumbled, her voice broken.

Just the sound hurt the boys heart "Callie, are you feeling any better" he stepped into the light, the black haired girls eyes went wide "W-w-who are- who are you?" She whimpered.

Jeremy looked at her, cracking a smile "your kidding" he flopped into the other chair. When he realized that she was serious he paused "God, I should've known some sorta shit would happen, I ain't allowed no friends, I almost forgot from all the time I spent with ya"

Callie looked down "hm... I don't know you but-" the male cut her off "you don't remember me" he corrected. The girl nodded "yeah.. but you seem trust worthy" Young Walker cracked a crooked, very crooked, smile, her teeth chipped a few missing from the front made a gap in her smile.

Jeremy snorted "Ya missing a few teeth there bun"

(That was gonna say bub but auto correct said pet names *shrug*)

Callie put her hand over her mouth "I'm sorry" her eyes trailed back downwards. Jeremy sighed, moving her hand "No your fine, I think it's cute actually" he watched Callie's smile reappear "oh , what's your name by the way"

Jeremy clicked back into the harsh reality of Callie's accident "Jeremy Harris..."

Callie stuck out her hand "alright Jeremy, I give you full trust from now forward to help me navigate this mess and hopefully get my memories back"

The shocked man slowly stuck out his hand and shook hers "aight, I guess I can do that" he nodded to himself and looked at Callie, he was honestly shocked she just immediately trusted him like that... but maybe it was a sign of memories coming back.

(*screams* 1170 words... how that actual fuck did I manage this mess guys qwq but I do hope you enjoyed the sad)

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