Your Gonna be ok, I promise (Amelyatt)

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Wyatt woke up, hearing small coughs beside him, he sat up and saw Amelia had come in here from her room again. She was laying on the bed shivering and curled up against his side, coughing into her arm, though, she was still asleep, and soaking wet from her shower. He realized she was probably sick and scooped her up into his arms.

She didnt wake up, but she cuddled against his chest as he got up, luckily he had fallen asleep in his clothes after a mission yesterday, so he was dressed to take her to see Bailey. He held her protectively as he walked down the stairs and out the door of the cabin, walking to there groups main cabin, where Charlie stayed, the blond father figure. Amelia coughed again, and Wyatt brought himself to walk a little faster.

He hoped and prayed in his head that she would be ok, that it was nothing serious, be he knew why she was a germaphobe, born with a weak immune system, the smallest cold could kill her. He thought back to when she had told him, She walked into his room obviously nervous, Amelia fidgeted with her gloves and looked down "So you say you love me.. so I need to be honest with you about why I'm.. why I'm like this" and by that she meant the germaphobia. "I have a good reason I swear" she kept fidgeting "I was born with a condition.... A deadly weak immune system. Literally deadly... The smallest things... A basic low cold can kill me, and if not cold at least hospitalize me... that's why I'm so afraid of germs.. I- I don't wanna die... especially not again.." She obviously had thought he would lash out, or make fun of her for what she had said, but instead he got up and hugged her, holding her to his chest "Dont worry about that kitten, I'll protect you from the germs" he said as she let out a giggle and he had smiled down at her.

He was snapped back to the present by Amelia coughing more.

When he got to the main cabin he opened the door and walked to the doctors room, Baileys wife Evelyn opened the door "Wyatt, what" she yawned, before her eyes traveled to Amelia, who was coughing once again.

Evelyn realized and ran into the room to wake her wife. Wyatt could hear Evelyn explaining to Bailey that Amy was sick, Minutes later Bailey walked over, still in her nightie, pulling on a lab coat, and snatching Amelia from Wyatt's arms.

Wyatt hated that, he always hated when people took H I S kitten, but he also knew, that's how he kept her alive. Bailey rushed Amy to the hospital room, laying her on the bed, as she did Amelia opened her eyes, the colors dull, and she had seemed to get paler.

Wyatt reached to grab her hand, but Evelyn smacked it away "No. Wyatt. Exit the room if you would" she said softly.  Wyatt looked at her like she was stupid "Absolutely not. I can't leave her"

Bailey looked at him, as she hooked Amelia up to countless machines "Wyatt, it's for her safety, we'll have to change into something more sanitary ourselves once she's stabilized. You know the risks she's at, even with just a little cold"

Wyatt looked at his kitten, who was now looking at him, tears in her eyes "I w-w-want... I- I need... I n-need him..." the girl whimpered. Bailey looked at Evelyn and back to Wyatt "Out. We'll grab you something later. For now" she said deadpan, putting an IV in Amelias wrist. "Stand. Out. Side."

Wyatt hated seeing Amy connected to all those machines. He sighed, stepping into the hall as the door closed behind him.

A few minutes later Evelyn and Bailey walked out, opening a cabinet and pulling out real doctor outfitting, Gloves, Scrubs, and masks, they handed a set to Wyatt and grabbed themselves a set each. "Wyatt, go change in one of the spare rooms, then you will wait outside the door until we come back, I will go inside before you, and then let you in once Evelyn is sure your properly prepared to enter." Bailey said, as her and Her wife walked to there room to change. Wyatt sighed as he walked to the door of a spare room to change into the outfit in his hand.

When he got back to the doctor room Evelyn was in the hall, And Bailey was already in the room with Amelia. After Evelyn checked he has put everything on properly he was allowed to go in, he sat in the chair next to the bed, he noticed Amelia reaching for his hand, so he held hers. She smiled slightly at him, then the coughing got bad again, and Bailey put a mask over Amelias face, oxygen, they hoped the coughing would go down that way.

Amelia stayed in the hospital like that for 2 months, and yeah, it was just a cold, but for her, it was unsafe for her... Now after 2 months she was able to go home with Wyatt, but he hadn't left her since she got there. He pretty much forgot everything else, Tony and Regan always brought him food, or came to make sure he was taking care of himself and not just Amelia.

As always there was part of tony who wanted Amelia to die, he almost wanted to pull the plug in the oxygen the first week, that way she'd cough till she choked, but he didnt do it, because one, he couldnt do that to Wyatt, and two, because Regan always watched him real careful when they went to visit, she knew him well enough to know she had too.

Finally after two months, Wyatt could bring his kitten home. he wrapped her up in a blanket as he pulled her to his chest. She happily snuggled into his chest, Wyatt smiled down at her, and whispered in her ear "I luv you my little kitten"

That night the two lovers finally laid in bed together, Amelia in Wyatt's arms again, as the two cuddled together and fell asleep, Wyatt curled up around His kitten protectively, because he wasn't gonna let anything get to her again, he probably couldn't stop germs like this, but at least his could try.

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