Won't Rest Till Shes Mine Again (Penley)

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Won't Rest Till Shes Mine Again  (Penley)

(Some Enrique and Briar stuff mixed in)


Lesley laid on the couch, His girlfriend Penelope's small body draped over his chest, his arms tightly wrapped around her. Luckily for him she was easy to hold because of her small size. Even Harold and Robert wrapped slightly around Penny, careful not to shock the petite woman.

It was around 3am, and a short demon giggled as she snuck up to Lesley and his lover, the brunette waited for Lesley to tic so she could pull Penny from his arms.

Eloise slid the tiny figure from Lesley's arms and teleported from the cabin. Leaving the girl placed softly underneath a tree in the middle of the woods. Little did she knows a young boy was watching, one who recognized the woman laying there.


The next morning Lesley J. Crawford woke up, walking to the kitchen to look for his sweet girlfriend. He started to panic when he couldn't find her, any remaining tiredness forced away as he ran up the stairs, his tics and anxiety getting worse when she was nowhere to be found.

He ran to Charlie's room, almost pausing at the sight in the room. He knew Charlie had a rough time sleeping, but the small boy-like father of there's was cuddled against his wife, there daughter laying between them.

The man would've chosen leave them be any other time, but he violently shook Charlie awake, his tongue clicking as he did so.

Charlie sat up, he looked at Lesley and saw his panic, quickly getting up and walking out with the man, just so he wouldn't wake his family.

As soon as they walked out Lesley started crying "S-she's go-gone."


Penelope Rockwell woke in a strangely familiar room... minus one part of it. The glass enclosed around the small girl.

She started to panic, her claustrophobia surfacing until the door to the basement slammed open and a man her age walked in.


"Welcome home Darling~"


Charlie was trying to talk to Lesley, but the poor man was too far panicked to say anything but mumbles, all about Penelope.

Lesley paced back and force, panic on his face "s-sh-she ca-can't be go-gone" click "S-She ne-needs me.." click "I nee-need her" click "she's my be-best friend" click "she's ama-amazing" click "I w-wan-wantt her back" click "I ne-need to find her" click.

Charlie grabbed Lesley's hand carefully "Lesley. We're going to find her."

Eloise stepped out, nervously rubbing the back of her neck with her hand "I left her in the woods last night as a joke.. she's gone... there was a kid out there, he was so young I didn't think it would cause any harm... but I recognize the kid from a picture Penny has and... I think I fucked up"

Lesley GLARED at the small demon "What. Did. You. Do."

The girl sighed "I didn't do anything, but the kid was her son, who, news flash still lives with her ex"

Lesley's eyes went wide as he ticked worse. "We h-hav-have to find her." He panicked. Charlie held his hands, "Lesley go to your room alright? I'll help the others find her but you need to rest. Just because your already over worrying"

Lesley shook his head "I can't. I need to find her."

Charlie sighed, bringing the male upstairs, and then calling Mary. The woman on the phone listened carefully, fully prepared to beat Penelope's ex into the ground.

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