He Isnt coming back

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(An angsty name, a fluffy story ;))
(Callie and Jeremy)

Jeremy looked down at the Black haired female cuddled against his chest, his burnt fingers tangled in her curls. "Why must you always do this" he mumbled. He was used to Callie wearing herself out and falling asleep on top of him, but he wished she wouldn't, not cause he minded the cuddles, but cause there was no way it was good for her to do that to herself.

He laughed a little at the thought "idiotic little beans gonna run her way into the ground like this" he snorted, continuing to fiddle with her pigtails.

The male felt her tremble in his arms and he immediately knew she was having nightmares again, it happened but she'd never tell him the issue. The female shot up in bed, her tears running down her face.

Jeremy attempted to pulled her close, but she pushed him away, still sobbing "He... he came back- and" she cried harder. Then Jeremy looked confused at the girl, reaching towards her wrists, only for her to flinch away. He pulled up her sleeves to see the bruises there "He? And... Callie, did someone hurt you?"

The girl nodded quietly. "He.. he came back..." she sobbed. The burnt up male held her close "don't worry he isn't gonna come back, and if he does, I'll keep him from hurting you again, Ok?"

Callie nodded slightly "T-thanks Je-Jeremy" she whimpered. He nodded as she laid back down "Go back to sleep alright Cal?"

She smiled softly as she cuddled back against him. Falling asleep relatively quickly.

The man sat and thought about everything for a while, finally laying down, pulling Callie to his chest a little tighter, as he fell asleep him self.

The next morning the door Creaked open as Cypris went to check on her baby sister, only for her to find Jeremy clutching the girl like a teddy bear.

(Short but fluffy qwq and I loved it)

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