Shes been gone too long... (Agathey)

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She's been gone too long... (Agathey)

Agatha laid her head in Honeys lap, looking up at the blond, running her finger through the other girls blond ponytail, braiding a small section of the bottom. "Hey Honey..." the black haired girl asked, clutching a  porcelain doll to her chest.

The doll was copy paper white, balljoints so each one of her joints bent like a persons, she had blond hair that Agatha had tied into a ponytail with a small ribbon, she has a tiny Pearl necklace and a blue dress, She'd been named Collette.

Honey looked at her girlfriend, eyeing the doll in her arms "Your carrying the doll I gave you again" she smiled "Anyway, What's up Aggie?"

Agatha turned to her side, letting go of Honeys hair, the braid she'd been doing, came undone.  "You know all those other spirits in the School I've mentioned?"

Honey nodded, smile dropping at the clear signs of Agatha being upset. "Ye-yeah" she said, a little worried, her empty white eyes trailing to Agatha's frown.

Agatha sighed "They said... T-they said... Tha-That I'm C-crazy... but that's n-not tru-true is it?"

Honeys face softened "g-goo-good lord, of co-course not! Ag-Aggie y-your the sw-sweetest p-person ev-ever..."

Agatha shot up quickly, her doll dropped to the floor, Honey caught it before it could shatter, and frowned watching poor Agatha run out of the cabin, soft blue eyes turning red.  

Honey would've felt bad seeing Agatha leave her, but she knew she couldn't do anything. Agatha Was under the control of someone else, and Honey couldn't fix it...


It had been almost a year, Honey still cleaned Agatha's bedroom, still made sure none of her things got dusty. Everyday people would see the female walking into Agatha's room, sitting on the floor in tears, just holding Eddie, her old ventriloquist dummy, one that she's had since before her death, and missing Agatha...

Missing Agatha so much. Till one morning at breakfast, Honey, nonchalantly, brought up the  question of "Does anyone know where North-Key Boarding school is?" She didn't need to look up to notice the shocked glare from her siblings.

Philippa practically choked on her breakfast tea "What?!" She look at Honey, not believing her sister wanted anything to do with the abandoned school building. Adelaide started laughing, "are you serious Honey?" it was normal for her to be cynical and judgmental, so it didn't shock Honey, though the blond was surprised to see her brunette sister without Silas by her side.

Connie looked at Alexis and Haiden, the two looking confused, and the girl sighed, wiping water from her cracked face "Look Honey, we know you miss Agatha but going to that hell pit would be a suicide mission" she didn't even change her tone, being deadpan as she always is.

Honey sighed, fiddling with Eddie's hair, the doll clutched into her arms. "I miss her though..." she mumbled.

Audrey peaked in from the kitchen with a smirk, throwing a paper airplane at Honey. The confused blond looked at it, noticing the writing, as she unfolded it she realized it was an address.


Honey Darcy ran through the path in the woods, watching the directions Connies phone, which she'd asked to borrow. Connie had said no, and sure Honey felt bad for not listening, but this was important.

When she ran up to the abandoned school she stood there, the collapsing building seemed to loom with horrible energy, the scared blonde girl powered on, rushing inside, despite the pounding in her ears.

The first thing she heard was sobbing, a familiar sobbing... Agatha... Honey ran towards the sound, Seeing one cracked open locker on the wall of black lockers, so she ran towards the locker, opening it the rest of the way only for Agatha to collapse from the metal box and fall into Honeys arms.

Agatha looked up at Honey, shock filling her eyes, quickly replaced by panic. "N-no... I-it's not safe... g-get out... g-go home... pl-please..."

Honey felt tears build in her eyes at Agatha's fragile and broken state. Agatha's hands reached up to touch Honeys face "L-leave me..."

Honey was about to shake her head when loud voices started to giggle around them.

"Ohhh Agatha brought a new friend!"

"Agatha's a monster I hope her friend learns to run."

"Don't trust her!"

"Run as fast as you can miss!"

Honey was shaking, full of nerves, when a loud makes voice was calling out "I heard about the girl looking for Agatha was here... and too that poor Honey Darcy... Agatha is not yours. She belongs to me. So fun along"

Agatha started shaking harder "No- no no no He already knows" the black haired demon stood up and hugged Honey, whispering in her ear "If I never come home... find someone to love, you deserve better then being alone... Now, when I let go run... run as fast as you can. Run for your life Honey."

Honey knew she shouldn't protest, and after what the other children said, she wasn't even sure if being with Agatha was safe. So after tightly squeezing onto Agatha one last time, Honey ran away... feeling bad... but knew it was for the best...


Honey sat and thought about everything she'd heard, from the other school kids... Agatha was dangerous... she was gonna hurt Honey...

The blond started to sob quietly, she was huddled in a chair in her and Connie's shared bedroom. Her sister hearing her sobs and looking up from her video game "you alright sissy?" She asked.

Honeys head shook "I-just left her there... she could die... cause I was scared..."

Connie sighed, placing down her video game, which is something they never happens, she walked over and hugged Honey, who cried harder into her sisters chest.

"Just remember... she's strong and she'll be ok..." Connie mumbled. Though it wasn't as comforting as she hoped it would be, Honey shook her head "I hope so..."


Agatha's claws tore through the spirit in front of her, a purple gem collapsed down to the floor from the girl instead of blood. The demon kicked the gem and ran out of the building. She felt terrible... the young girl didn't want to hurt anyone... but it was the only way to save herself from the school...

Agatha got to the familiar cabin, knocking on the door, collapsing down onto the porch before anyone could get to the door.

She woke up in her clean bedroom, the doll she hadn't seen in a year, sat gently on the bed next to her. The she noticed something about herself, she was covered in bandages, in pajamas, her hair was down from its usual buns, blood cleaned off her body and she was tucked in... someone had taken care of her and brought her to her room.

She noticed one of her chairs sitting against the wall across from her bed, the shadow hiding whoever was sitting there. "He-hello?" Agatha called out.

Honey stood up and stepped towards her, crying harder and hugged her. Agatha flinched away from it, not used to being given affection... not anymore...

Honey looked down "they all told me you where dangerous" Honey mumbled, *sitting next to Aggie on the bed. The black haired female reached out to the blond, running her fingers through the other girls hair "remember how I told you that they called me crazy" she asked.

The Blonde nodded, Causing Agatha to smile "I think they where right"

Honey would've rolled her eyes if she had pupils "I guess your my crazy... I'm so so happy your back Aggie... I love you so much" she squeaked and hugged Agatha.

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