The Truth is I love You (Rayol)

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The Truth is I love you

Carol Winters sat on her bed, her back against the pale green pillow that leant against her wall. Her eyes where closed and her earbuds where plugged into her ears. Her brown haired tied up into a bun at the top of her head.

She couldn't hear the door creak open with her earbuds in, so she jumped when a small weight climbed into her lap and tugged them out of her head. "SNOWY GIRL!!" The young baby called.

Carol laughed, opening her sightless milky eyes and smiling, "how are you this morning?" She asked sweetly. "I is good, Marnie wanna do snowy girls hair!"

Carol nodded and reached up, pulling her bun out and letting her messy hair fall around her face, she felt around her nightstand and gave her sister the hair brush.

Marnie clapped and brushed out her sisters hair, chattering away about all kinds of things, then the door creaked open once more. A red headed boy walked into the bedroom, a warm smile gracing his pinkish skin. He saw the pale frost bitten female with her blood splattered sister and he sighed, he guessed he would come back and confess when she wasn't with the small baby. He turned on his heel and walked back towards the attic stairs, who better to ask for advice then Cypris, right?

That afternoon, Raymond walked to Carols room, only to find her not there, but Marnie laid unconscious on her bed, a pillow directly next to her small head, blood stained the front, and the male Panicked. He ran to the three year old, he tripped over the white ribbon which wrapped itself around his ankle, he picked it up recognizing it immediately "Moxxie Esther Maxwell" he growled, he quickly checked Marnies pulse, as the three year old sat up she looked around the room desperately 'Snowy Girl gone, Fluff pink put pillow on Marnie face, she took Snowy girl, used drug"

Raymond felt sick as he pushed back the urge to puke. "Moxxie tried to suffocate you- oh god..." he pulled Marnie tight to his chest, but she pushed him away "no hug Marnie, no time,  we have to find snowy girl" the baby whimpered.

"I'll find her, you should stay here and reco-" he got cut off when the girls tiny hand was stuck over his mouth "Stahp it, Marnie going too, Gotta save snowy girl together" the stubborn baby was definitely concerned for her missing sister, and wasn't letting this go.

Raymond nodded and picked her up, walking out the door to the next cabin over. The dark buildings windows where boarded up and the lights shone threw one window on the top floor. Ray opened it carefully and yelled out through the house "Lavinia?! Siren?! We have to talk about your kid" he looked around nervously till he felt a hand on his shoulder "boo" a dark voice giggled in his ear, he jumped and saw Lavinia behind him, Siren had already managed to grab Marnie and was spinning her around.

"Where's Moxxie" the male asked, doing his best to keep the pain and worry pushed down. "Oh you know, out in her tree house causing trouble and plotting murders" Lavinia snorted, a disturbing singsong voice projecting the words, enough to make even her wife shudder from fear.

"The tree house" Ray mumbled "why is it always a tree house" he grabbed Marnie from Siren and stormed out, running as fast as he could with Marnie running just ahead, sniffing out the way to the treehouse, for once he was glad the girl was part wolf.

Marnie scratched at the base of the tree, starting up the ladder, Ray following along, inside, Ray once again felt like he was going to lose his breakfast. Moxxie held a hammer over Carols head, Marnie lunged at her, tightly clamping her teeth to Moxxies leg. "Don't you dare touch Carol." Ray mumbled as he pulled  Carol away and  into his arms, "Marnie let's go"

He Carried the Russian against his chest back to her parents home. Dominic answered the door and panicked. He grabbed his daughter from Ray and rushed her to her bedroom as he checked for serious injuries. There where very few and so he bandaged the ones that where there and then tucked her into her bed.

The worried father had Ray fill him in on everything, before thanking him for getting Carol back.

Almost three weeks later, Carol Elizabeth Winters finally awoke, Sitting next to her bed where Raymond and Marnie. Marnie was asleep cuddled against her sisters side, she hadn't been able to sleep otherwise, the worry over Carols health was too great, and the baby said she had to sleep with her sister.

Raymond on the other hand, was awake, clutching Carols hand tightly "c-Carol your a-awake!" He smiled "I was worried you wouldn't be.. thought I might've been too late to save you."

"Why did you do it" the brown haired girl looked down, not that she could see anything. To begin with. "Well.. the truth is I love you" Ray admitted.

Carols frozen face blushed a dark pink, she smiled "I- I l-love yo-you too" Winters admitted. Ray pulled her into a hug "I'm glad" he kissed her cheek happily.


The door opened, siren stood in the frame angrily, her small daughter wrapped in her arms. The girls leg had a huge chunk taken out of it with bandages wrapped around it. Siren glared at the baby next to Carol "that rabid monster bit my daughter" she growled. Lavinia saw the bloody bear trap in the pink haired girls bad and snickered. 'This kid loves trouble doesn't she, never thought a ten year old would do that to herself for the sake of getting a toddler in trouble, but this is hilarious' Lavinia thought to herself.

(This was so much fun to write, I love using Moxxie to cause trouble ^^ Used 1007 words Woooo)

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