What a young girl should not know (Blairanatha)

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Alice Liddell took a sip of her tea, looking the two girls in front of her on the blanket up and down, her thick brown hair in a braid down her back. The black haired girl sitting there was just petting the head of the sleeping female in her lap.

"I don't think she has slept in months quite frankly" Alice sighed. "Of course she hasn't" Zanatha replied in a flat tone, continuing to pet Blair's head. "Her parents tried to sell her and marry her off to seven men yesterday, poor little puppy just needs to be able to have a life"

Alice nodded "I agree wholeheartedly I really do, dear... I do wish that our queen would be able to be ok..."

"Your more delusional then she is god Alice. 'Queen' my ass. She's just a baby. You bitches with your hoity toidy accents and frilly ass dresses. God Brits are so fucked up"

The brunette blinked at her "In all due respect Zanatha. Your family are the ones who moved here. Also B-B is British and you seem quite possessive over her" venom laced her thick accent.

Zanatha rolled her eyes, gently pushing Blair out of her lap and standing up. "What ever. I'll see you tomorrow. Not for you of course. But for Blair. She's my best fucking friend so of course I'm possessive. I don't have any other friends and I never have. I didn't move here with my family, I moved here by myself, I don't have a family. So keep your damn mouth shut"

Alice sighed, reaching across the blanket to stroke Blairs blonde hair. "Good Bye Zanatha." The girl stood up, blue dress ruffling in the wind, turning on her heel and storming off.

The Roman rolled her eyes, kneeling down and scooping Blair into her arms. She walked to her own home, sitting on the floor, and continuing to hold Blair till the girl woke up.

Her teal eyes fluttered open and she smiled softly at the girl holding her. "M-mor-morning Z-Zanatha" she reached up and fiddled with the other girls black mound of hair.

Zanatha smiled "Morning Blair, I figured you'd want me to bring you inside till you woke up so you could walk home from my house, you'd be able to find your own at home easier"

Blair nodded, pulling her way to stand up. "I lo- I will see you tomorrow" the blond wanted so badly to admit how much she wanted to admit how much she loved her... but she couldn't... she would tomorrow... she would... she had to...

Blair woods skipped home, as she walked into the house and felt a strong hand grip her arm as a much taller much older blond male stood before her, feeling the searing pain through her arm as his nails gouged on the cuts on her wrists.

"where the fuck have you been all day You little whore, out with that fucking gypsy again? You think your sly, thinking your in love or some shit? I bet she only hangs out with you because she's either afraid or because she feels bad, no one's every gonna love a damn monster like you" the girls brother growled.

The boy dragged her to the door to there basement, her head hitting each stair as he stormed down them, tossing her into a wall, grabbing the metal chains in the corner, locking the smaller girl up tightly before going back upstairs, closing the door and leaving the sobbing girl in the dark alone.

"He's right... everything he said.. I really am a monster.. she doesn't love me... how could anyone love me... god, I make myself sick... I'm disgusting. Just a monster.... Nothing else... I'm not worth anything... not to anyone" these where the last thoughts to run through the girls head. Her feeble body going limp as she slept.


Zanatha fiddled with her hair, she hadn't seen Blair in weeks, she was so used to Blair coming to grab her each morning, that the missing blonde made her nervous.

She decided to go to their usual spot for tea parties. Her heart lurched into her throat as she did. Body parts and blood covered the clearing, made more obvious by the void of trees.

Zanatha saw the teddy bear next to the girls body... or the main piece of it. As anger filled her Veins she grabbed the bear, tearing the head of it. Growling.

Then... a dark thought traced her mind...

"Who's to stop me from sewing her back together... from pretending that she never died..  never left me.... Like she's still hear... maybe she's not... she's not dead.. just hurt... and it's my job to take care of her... because I love her... and she loves me just the same"


(Wee woo wee woo dark ending alert, as fucking always... but that line hit me a bit different to be honest... I started this a week or so ago and i had 0 motivation, but I looked at my to-do list and how much I keep adding to it so I figured I'd start knocking stuff out the way right ;) anyway lol have a good day, hope you enjoy, sorry this was a ramble. Also! Wattpad had a fucking STROKE while I was trying to post this! Like it fucking glitched and I'm so glad I back up my stories because otherwise I would've lost the entire story.)

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