Give Her Back

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Emmett smiled as his Best friend talked to him, she was so excited, the two had been talking literally for hours, which was normal for them. Nallia looked at her phone and let out a laugh "Oh jeez, it's four in the morning! Emm you should've told me to shut up! Damn walking home this late is never fun, the woods are so freaky at night" she sighed, getting up and adjusting her sweater.

Emmett shook his head, and grabbed her arm, pulling her next to him on the bed, he didn't want her walking home alone at this time of night, anything could happen to his friend like this. Nallia raised a confused eyebrow and he picked up his phone, a gift from his tall bestie, and proceeded to message her 'Spend the night... It's not safe out here for you Nal' he then looked back up at her as she checked it and smiled. "Alright" she laughed, kicking off her boots "Just this once, but Charlie's gonna lose his shit" she gave Emmett a smile as she curled up next to him, then she opened her arms "Cuddle?" She asked. Emmett smiled and nodded, cuddling against her chest, her lanky arms wrapped around him.

The next morning Nallia awoke to the sounds of Charlie opening the door, he was giving a very very angry look to the two kids, well there both 19, but we'll call em kids. Nallia noticed Emmet still cuddled against her chest and smiled, he seemed comfortable so she didn't move but called out to Charlie who was still in the doorway "Whats with the look?" She asked.

Charlie's anger was obvious as he looked at her "What did you do to my doll son" he growled. Nallia snorted "Charlie, he didn't want me walking home alone in the dark, so he had me stay here, he said it wasn't safe" she shrugged, pulling away from Emmett, who let out a Protestant groan. She sighed "Emm, wake up I gotta head home before Abby thinks I fuckin died again" she sat up.

Charlie sighed, sipped his coffee, and walked out. Emmett sighed, sitting up as well and gave her a tight hug before she left, and well, off she went, it was still pretty early so the woods where still relatively dark, the 7'3 girl felt as if someone was watching her as she walked, which made her incredibly uncomfortable. She heard a rustle of leaves behind her and turned around quickly, upon seeing nothing she kept walking.

She felt someone pull her hair, causing her to Yelp in pain, She tripped, falling over, when she felt a rag cover her mouth and nose, and everything went black.


It had been three days since the last time Emmett had seen Nallia, she never texted him that day to tell him she got home ok, which stressed the poor boy out, he could Tell Charlie seemed concerned whenever Emmett brought up Nallia, and he automatically thought the worst about his poor friends whereabouts.

He started, once again, feeling a panic attack coming on, and luckily Charlie was there, he tried to help Emmett to no avail, till he did what he never wanted to have to do, sedate the poor doll. As Emmett's eyes fluttered shut, all he could think of was his missing friend.

Four days, that's how long Charlie kept The doll sedated, Emmett desperately wanted to wake up, the violent bloody nightmares about Nallia replaying through his head terrified him.

When he did wake up, he wanted nothing to do with Charlie, who stuck him into those nightmares for so long. He heard a quiet ding as his phone went off, a message from- Nallia?! He opened it quickly, it was a video.....

(This is where it gets bloody, so if you can't take it, stop reading)

Emmett opened the video file and clicked the play button. It was a dark candle lit room, Nallia was sitting tied to a chair with a white cloth over her eyes. A man was right in front of her with some sort of tool and a metal bucket, he kneeled down and said something to her then took her hand and slowly started yanking her finger nails off as she screamed in agony, blood running from her fingers. The man continued till she had no nails left, then whoever had the camera turned it to face them, another man grinned, Tune in tomorrow to see what she loses next. And the video shut off.

Emmett shut off his phone and let out a whimper, he didn't know what he was supposed to do, but he wanted to hurt those men.... he wanted Nallia back... He wanted her back right now.

He saw the image of her hurt face replaying in his mind and the more he saw it replaying the more he wanted to hurt someone, "tune in tomorrow to see what she'll lose next" he mumbled, hating the sound, they where gonna hurt her... again. He didn't want her to be injured... he wanted to save her, he had to figure out how to though.

Nallia was his best friend, losing her wasnt an option. Charlie walked in, upon noticing Emmett awake, he re-drugged the boy, but not for as lengthy of a time. When he woke up the young Honey Darcy was setting a plate of food on his desk. He heard his phone go off again.

He hurriedly picked it up and opened the message from Nallias contact... another video. He turned it on and once again Nallia was tied up. The girls bloody fingers where nailed into the chair now, and the man was holding a large pair of tweezers, he brought them to her mouth and Emmett noticeably flinched as the dark man started pulling out the girls teeth, Nallia screaming and crying once again.

Emmett threw his phone into the wall and started into one of his panic rages, he didn't even notice at first when he hit Honey, still breaking and tearing things apart till Charlie ran in and Grabbed Honey, handing the crying and bleeding child to Mary, who stood in the door, ready to take her daughter home.

Emmett immediately filled with regret, he hasn't meant to hurt the child... But... Nallia.... Charlie made Emmett lay on the bed and once again he drugged the boy, his mind again, filled with thoughts of his missing friend.

When he woke up, he had been drugged continuously by Charlie, so it took a month for the doll to wake. When he did everyone was... different, the boy ran to Charlie and begged him to tell him if they found Nallia and Charlie nodded, sadly.

Emmett, who has been forcing the words out smiled "where is she" he asked, his quiet Italian accent with a happy pep. Charlie shook his head "the spare room.. "

Emmett noted the sad tone of voice and his smile faded as he ran to the spare room, he opened the door and- Emmett sunk to his knees, Nallia's body was layed on the bed, her bloody fingers and mouth... her eyes where gone, a cross was wedged into her head, she was missing limbs and her chest was torn open... it was way to late, and to Emmett, it felt like the end of the world.

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