The Girl In The Bar Bench (Hollabelle)

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The Girl in The Bar Bench (Hollabelle)

Holiday Anderson walked into the club with her 'brothers' and their girlfriends, her blank eyes scanned the room. Lights flashing, and drunk people wobbled around the middle of the building. As she scanned the room she noticed that she saw a girl on her own in a booth, some creepy guy came and sat with the red head, Holly could see the bored uncomfortable look on the girls face, even from so far away.

The moment the male walked away, Holiday whispered something to her brothers friend Siren "You worked here for a few years right?"

Siren nodded with a slight smile, but you could tell she was holding back some snarky comments. Holiday glanced back at the redhead alone drinking and smoking in that booth and she glanced at Siren "Do you know her?"

Siren followed her gaze and nodded "Jezabelle Roberts, poor soul. You should talk to her" she grinned. Holiday simply nodded and walked towards the girl.


Holly slid into the booth next to the red head, a smile appeared on her face as she introduced herself "Hi! I'm Holiday! What's your name?" The alien was happy to try to make friends with the sad looking girl.

The red head scowled at Hollys energy "Belle" the statement was flat as she took another sip from the beer bottle in her hand.

The young Anderson shook her head, remembering name Siren had said "What's your real name...?" She trailed off... she couldn't help looking the red head up and down.

Jezabelle bit her tounge before sighing "Jezabelle" she gave in. She proped her elbows on the table, setting her head in her own hands. She looked the Alien up and down "and your name?" She smiled sweetly as she asked.

Holiday blushed, seeing the smile she'd finally gotten from the redhead in front of her "Holiday, You can Call me Holly"

Jez smirked "well Deary, my shifts over, I guess I'll see ya next time" with a small wink that was it, Jez slid out of the booth and practically seemed to strut over to Siren, the two girls hugging before the slightly taller female left the building.

And Holiday? She found herself hoping she'd see the girl again very soon...


Holiday woke up the next morning hearing yelling from Lavinias room next door, so, she slid out of bed and quietly snuck down the hallway, standing in the doorframe. She quickly saw that it was Siren and Kenneth that where fighting, Lavinia was just standing behind her wife, gripping her waist and glaring at the zombie infront of her lover.

"You sent my little sister to talk to Jezabelle Roberts?!" Kenneth accused.

"Well the ditz asked me who Jez was, it was only fair I told her the truth~" Siren said, a snarky tone in her voice.

"Jezabelle is a serial killer!" He fired back aggressively.

"Your aware you are as well arnt you?" Lavinia chimed in with a smirk, gripping Sirens waist a little tighter.

"Well yeah! But Jezabelle is also known for dating people for a few weeks and then leaving them in the dirt! I can't let that happen to Holly" Kennie knew that was the older brother inside him talking, but he stood by the facts.

Siren smiled innocently "Kenneth your my best friend, I'd never put your poor Dizzy headed sister in danger"

Lavinia couldn't help but bust out laughing. "Speaking of the Dumbass" she gestured to the doorframe, where Holiday was still watching them argue.

Kenneth paused "Oh Holly- Good morning sis-" he started, his 'sister' just rolled her eyes, not that anyone could tell because of the blank white. 

Holiday looked at Siren "You really tried to hook me up with someone who you knew would hurt me?"

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