Blood. (Jarlett)

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"He'll never love you"

"You torture him"

"How can he put up with you"

Scarlett couldn't get the words out of her head. She didn't let it bother her openly, but today, curled up in her bedroom.. Now was the time to cry. She heard those words so many times, her entire life really.. especially in school... she didn't understand why clothes made people so mad.. getting called a slut when she'd never even had sex. It was cruel.. it wasn't fair. It hurt. Her life had been constantly like that, she was boiled down to the pretty girl. Nothing more. Sometimes less. Here she was even less. Just a monster. A freak. Someone more unlovable than she ever was before her death. You would think that in a house full of crazy, her life wouldn't be so off putting. But here she was. She barely noticed the blood gushing from her face as she picked at it. Tearing skin away in the process.

Scarlett's whole life all she wanted was love. Someone to care about her. She'd finally found that. She had Jake, she loved him dearly, and for the first time, he was someone who returned her affections. But there was always something... his best friend who made her feel like maybe she was terrible after all.. maybe she didn't deserve love. She wanted to just tear her own throat open and end everything.. but she didn't want to leave her people, the girls she considered sisters; Pansy, Annie, and Cora, The girls she considered friends; Beth, Briar, and Dolly, or the little girl who looked up to her like a mother, Clementine. Yet above all else. She didn't wanna leave Jake.

God Scarlett felt ill, she hadn't eaten today, and part of her wondered if that's why, or maybe it was just the feelings at the moment. She tried to hold back the sick feeling, but she wouldn't, and she found herself having to run to the bathroom adjoining her room before she vomited. Stomach acid and blood. The sink drain was so slow.. it made her more sick seeing it. She turned on the water to wash it down. She finally looked up, her own face in the mirror. Her skin was torn to shreds. Her cheek had massive holes in it, blood thick around them, she hadn't even realized how much damage she had caused to herself. She hated how easy it was, how much practice she had tearing through flesh that tearing her own was such a trivial task. It hurt a little.. but she barely felt it anymore. She was convinced she'd destroyed her nerves

She stood up straight, brushing off her skirt as if it was what was the problem. She sighed. Jake would be home from his boys day anytime.. she should shower and clean up before then.. she sighed again, walking over to turn in the shower, she let it warm up as she undressed, fighting the ties on the back of her top, one she'd tied a little too tight. Once she was finally out of it, she stepped into the water, it was hot and burned, her skin turning red in seconds. She thought about leaving it that high but turned the heat down anyway, letting her "better judgment" decide. She washed her hair, then slathered face wash on, getting in the cuts, burning the skin beneath it. She washed it out as much as she could. Finally stepping out of the shower.

In the other room, Jake got home, excited and bubbly as he usually is, especially considering he got to hang out with his best friend. Yet when he got inside the room there was blood on Scars sheets.. fresh blood.. quite a bit of it. Everything else looked the same, exactly the same, so he didn't think anyone else had caused it. She must've had another episode.. her depression was terrible, that wasn't a secret, everyone knew it.. well everyone who cared to look a little closer. The clown wasn't good at comfort per say, but he at least knew what was going on with his girl wasn't okay, and that she needed someone. Jake sighed, knocking on the bathroom door, "Scar..? Baby I'm home"

The teenager waited a while, until the door Creaked open. The pale girl stood there in a towel, looking up at him, One side of her face was completely bandaged up, she used the hand not on her towel to sign slowly "H-hi love" Jake frowned a tad, scooping her into his arms "Hi freckle baby, I.. I was concerned for you-" that made Scarlett's guilt build up, she didn't want him to feel bad or worry for her, never at all. She signed again "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you, you're very important to me.. so again- I'm sorry" she was shaking, still wrapped in a towel in his arms. Jake leaned down kissing her forehead, it's the most he could do really and shook his head "don't apologize.. let's get you dressed, alright?" Scar nodded and leaned into him again, he may not be the king of comfort, but his presence sure did comfort her.

Jake set her on the bed, pulling pajamas from the dresser and placing them down for her, along with her undergarments. Scarlett signed to him again "want me to go in the other room Jakey?" Jake merely shook his head "Nope. You can change in here" Scar did as he said, sliding into her clothes and curling back up onto the bed, her lover crawling in next to her and wrapping them both in one of scars fluffy blankets, Scarlett sniffled a little as his arms wrapped around her, she felt so lucky to have him, so so lucky. Jake rubbed her back tracing her arm lightly with his claws, careful enough not to cut into the poor girl's arms more than she had done to herself. Scar drifted off much easier with Jake so close, even though she couldn't hear a heartbeat, she was getting used to that. Once she drifted off, Jake started to get up, but for once, he decided to stay the whole night.. Just in case she needed him.. Just in case.

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