Shes Not Dead (Aarshall)

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She's not dead (Aarshall)

Amber Huxley was sitting curled up in the corner of Marshall's room, the male was working on a taxidermy deer at his desk. As they often did, his eyes wandered to look at her quietly. The red head was sitting down, reading her book, she seemed to switch her book every day,  but that's cause she read fast.

The two where snapped from their thoughts by the door slamming open. As Jake pushed the door open, Amber jumped a little, glaring daggers at the clown. Who simply laughed.

Jake smiled "Alright the old man sent me to tell ya that you have a Mission Amber! I'm sure Marshall's goin with ya. My jobs done here now bitches!" And with that he was gone, easily teleporting out.

Amber sighed, standing up "you don't have to come with me Marsh, I can handle my own mission" she smiled slightly. Marshall blinked, Letting out a cruel laugh. "You are not going out there alone. Read the paper, lead the way" he smiled and laid his head on top of hers.


Marshall and Amber showed up to the building, they ran into the small abandoned looking house, it was the middle of the woods and everyone thought it was empty, till someone saw people lurking around it.

Amber and Marshall entered very, very slowly, hearing footsteps upstairs. Then a gunshot, and another. Amber shook her head "they're armed. We need out."

People started to run downstairs and the two Killers let out a sigh as they ran, the building erupting into fire due to Amber trailing her hand along the wall as she ran.

They heard yelling "IT WAS A GHOST!"

"It definitely is wasn't"

"You don't know that"

"Ghosts don't bleed!!"

Guns where fired at them. But they missed... definitely. Amber grabbed Marshall's hand, steam rose a little. Heat meeting cold as they touched. He dragged her along as they ran, she was falling behind, he finally pulled them into a small cave, no one was following them anymore, so it was safe...

Marshall looked at Amber, noticing the blood pooling around a few spots of Ambers dress he stopped. He knelt down, dressing at the bloody spots. "Amber... this is bad... we need to get you home.."

Amber shook her head, refusing to act like somethings wrong "I'm fine" she sighed. He glared "Amber Huxley. This is NOT fine!"

Amber sighed "let's head home then" she grabbed his hand again and he start to run, though he'd let her hand slip from his, he expected her right behind him... when he got home though.. she wasn't there.


The set of twins saw the red head passed out from blood loss, her body laying in the middle of the woods. They used their joint efforts to pick her up, the red head nestled between the twins, rested against the attached part of their hips.

Faith and Grace Boxsley did things they could to help people they found in the woods, the red head was no different. They brought her to their small house, and patched her up.

They choose to take care of the weakened female, even though they didn't know her.

Amber woke up, the unfamiliar cabin throwing her off. Faith and Grace stood next to her bed, staring down at her. Faith gave her an odd look "You're hurt" she said, a tone of almost questioning in her voice.

Amber rolled her eyes, her voice was weak, but she pushed the words past her thick, pained Russian accent. "No. I normally spurt blood from my rib cage."

Grace sighed "she's sassy this one, the little zombie will love her."

Amber sighed, sinking back into the bed "where's Marshall?"

The twins looked at each other, almost bonking their noses together. "Who's Marshal?" Faith questioned softly, genuinely curious.

Amber sighed "my best friend... he was with me when I got shot"

"He shot you?" The twins gasped in unison.

"No you idiots, screw it, I'm going back to sleep" she yawned, feeling sick.


Ten months... Ten months since Marshall had lost Amber, and clearly he's been very off. Zoey walked up to the broken necked male. She saw things in his room that made her frown. A dusty horror book laid in the corner of the floor, untouched for months.

A photo of the missing Huxley woman sat in front of his taxidermy, he stared at it, mindlessly working on the pig on his desk.

Zoey poked his back gently "Mr Marshall?" She mumbled quietly. Marshall tensed up, looking down at the girl "Yes Child?"

Zoey sighed "D-do you miss her...? The girl in the photo..."

Marshall nodded "constantly, but... I think it'll be better soon..." he sighed.


Amber crawled out of bed, walking into the living room, Faith and Grace where already sitting at the breakfast table, sharing a teacup. "Good morning Amber" Grace said with a smile. Amber nodded as she poured herself a cup of tea as well. "Good morning Misses" she said with a small smile, finally recovered from her injuries, but the twins had refused to let her leave yet.

A heavy knock hit the door of the small building. Amber popped up to get it, she opened the wooden door, three roses laid on the porch. A blue tipped white rose, a black rose, and a midnight blue rose. Amber felt a smile creep onto her face.. Marshall found her... finally.

She scooped up those roses, holding them tightly to her chest, the thrones weren't sharp, tiny frost-like caps covered the thorns, protecting her from getting pricked.

She ran to the twins like a toddler on Christmas morning, holding up the roses "Marshall found me" she practically squealed.

The twins sighed, looking at each other as their heads bopped together with a painful clonk. Amber spun around a bit, happiness glittered in her eyes, her ice boy found her, she could go home... it's not that she isn't great full that the twins saved her life, but she's been so lonely without her Marshall at her side.

Amber grabbed a book from the shelf by the window and collapsed onto the couch, laying there and reading, the roses on her chest.


Marshall snuck through a window, Of the house, the room slowly frosting over as he did so. Amber was curled into a small ball on the bed, the roses he left where held to her chest.

The frosted male walked to the bed, scooping her into his arms gently. He tried to make sure he didn't wake her up as he carried her to the window and carefully crawled out.

Holding his best friend close, very very close. He brought her home, to his room- No their room, and laid her in bed, covering her up with the 5 blankets she always needed. Finally be placed himself to lay down next to her, an arm rested over her waist.


Amber woke to finally be close to Marshall again. The boy watched her with a raised eyebrow as she cuddled closer to his chest.

Marshall ran his fingers through her ginger hair. "Your gonna have to tell me why I was conned into thinking you where dead for the past 10 months." He said, voice oddly soft. 

Amber sighed "I didn't mean too... you saw how I looked... the gun wounds where bleeding so badly.. I tried to keep up but I passed out... when I woke up you where gone, and the twins where standing by the bed..."

Marshall nodded a bit, finger caressing her cheek. "I'm so sorry Marshall... I didn't mean to leave you, and they didn't want me coming back until they where sure I was recovered..."

Marshall wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled slightly "well your back, and your healthy, and that's what matters, I need you to stay close to me Amber... always.."

Amber smiled softly, cuddling even closer to him, arms wrapped around his neck "I'm never leaving again Marsh... promise..."

(I haven't written in so long- but anyway- 1353 words!)

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