Sea Foam and Shattered Dreams (Silvinia)

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(Lavinia in Sirens time period)

The blond pop star rolled over onto her girlfriends chest. The shorter female letting out a grunt, her two colored eyes peering at her sleeping lover. "Fairy? You awake?"

The girl on top of her continue to quietly snore. "Pfft, you weirdo" the black hair girl rolled her eyes, pushing siren back next to her instead and laying her head on the freckled girls flat chest.

The girl felt her stomach twist each time the boat rocked. She tucked a short strand of hair behind her ear and stared at the wooden ceiling.


The next morning Lavinia shook her girlfriend awake gently "Siren~ c'mon~ dress rehearsal today baby, you have to get up, your shows tonight."

The larger female groaned, pulling a pillow over her own face "five more minutes" she protested.

"Hun, you know Aquas gonna bust in here and drag us both out there in our damn Pajamas, I already regret handling lighting for you two" she sighed "I feel bad how long you've had to live with her" she sighed

Siren moved her pillow peaking out from upset it, her crystal blue eyes scanning the female in front of her "Aqua used to legitimately try to attack me with her step dads scalpels"

"He a doctor?"

"Plastic surgeon, mamma payed him to work on me a few times... hurts so bad after... and she still-" she shook her e head "never mind, it's not important"

Lavinia gave her hand a tight squeeze "you can talk to me if you want you know" she sighed. Siren stood up, throwing her pillow at Lavinia and digging through her chest. "One day we're gonna get married" she started "going to adopt at least one kid! And we're gonna be so happy, I won't have to do this anymore, I'll have enough money not to have to... That's my dream cupcake" she grinned happily.

"Mine too fae... maybe not the kid no"

"We are adopting a daughter. That's not an option. You know How much I want a kid" she replied in a deadpan voice, slipping off her skimpy nightgown.

Lavinia bit her lip "Damn Fairy"

"Oh hush, it's too early in the morning to be so horny" the blond chuckled, tossing an outfit at the skinner female. "Here get dressed too" she sighed, pulling on the white Flowey dress there costume designer, also known as Aquas sister, had made for her.  "Help me with the corset will ya?"

"Yeah, C'mere, god that things gonna kill you, who's idea was that?"

"Aquas, she told me that I had to make mine extra tight so I looked more her size, since I'm fat as fuck"

"Siren I swear I'm gonna throw that bitch over board"

"Oh hush, no one's going overboard"


Siren paced the deck, noticing Aqua and Rosaria muttering to each other, people started filing in for the show, and Sirens nerves where shooting through the roof, she had spent the entire day practicing.

Lavinia grabbed her shoulders "Love, I promise you've got this, and even if you mess up a little it'll be ok, we're all human"

"I'm not human, I'm a pop star"

"Siren~" a red headed boy laughed, grabbing her waist from behind

"Robby your so broken"

"Yup!!!! Anyway your mom wants you backstage for makeup"

"Thanks Big Bro"

"We're not related"

"Might as well be"

"Fair" the boy laughed as siren walked off.

Lavinia looked at him "ready to set up the spotlights?"

"Always!" He smirked happily.


The music blasted as the two girls danced and sung on the stage, there voices ringing over the crowd like sirens.

Suddenly Aqua seemed to trip as Siren accidentally kicked her foot. Aquas smile remained strong and she 'tripped' once more, falling into Siren, as she stumbled backwards

"Boyfriend stealing whore" the lavender eyes girl growled as siren fell over the side of the ship.

Lavinia ran down the stairs to the stage, looking over the side, seeing the sea foam splashing over the blonde females pale body. "SIREN" Lavinia yelled, feeling herself being held back by two slender arms.

"She's not worth it Lavinia, she never was, risking yourself for her is a waste of time"

Lavinia turned towards Aqua and pushed her off the stage, satisfied with the snap of her ankle and arm as she hit the floor.

"Siren was my pride and joy, I hope you fucking Rot Aquamarine Marlo, I really really do"


(Presenting~~ Angst!)

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